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"I 'se is NEVER swimming again!"

Requested by Shalynn220 But the ping IS NOT WORKING WATTPAD!!

Sorry if this is bad since I do not really know the personalities of these two...

*sidles away nervously*

I also had to go edit all my sentences so that Ike and Hotshot have the newsie accent.

And I had production practice after school yesterday and that was about an hour of being teased about being one half of Ralbert )

Ike looked at the dark waters underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. "Are my brotha's really swimmin' in water dat dark and creepy and-" "Mike is already havin' the time of his life in the water. And it's really hot, so why don't you just jump into the water? It's not like it's super deep." Hotshot interrupted.

Ike gulped and looked down at the murky waters once again. Ike was very sure that he was the only newsie that didn't know how to swim. He looked up at his crush. "Welllllllll- uhh- umm- Can you'se teach me to swim?" Hotshot's expression clearly showed his surprise. "You'se can't swim? Oh, I'll teach you how to swim!"

A literal moment later, Ike found himself thrown off the dock underneath the bridge. "AHHHHHH!" He screamed, before his feet connected with a muddy riverbed. The water only came up to his chest. "SHOT!" Ike yelled at the smirking Brooklyn boy wearing a plaid red shirt paired with blue suspenders. Hotshot jumped into the water next to Ike, barely making a splash. "So if you wanna swim, you gotta learn how to hold your breath and kick da water." Ike then proceeded to try and walk in the water to the shallower part of the water, where it was only up to his shin. "So you-" Ike kicked the water. "Kick the water like this?" Hotshot facepalmed. "No, you'se put yer face in the water when the water's deeper, then you'se turn onto your stomach, then you try to kick the water upside down."

The brown haired Manhattan boy climbed out of the water, leaving a dripping trail behind him as he walked up to the very dock he was just pushed off.

The river beneath the Brooklyn bridge was usually cold, which was the reason why the newsies didn't go swimming often. However, they'd needed some entertainment and something to make half of the newsies calm down after hearing the good news about the strike and rambling on for about two days straight.

It was also about 80 degrees celsius. (The temperature is only 35 degrees, but the newsies didn't get a proper education and therefore will make exaggerated assumptions about the temperature.)

Ike jumped down into the water. "Yaaa!" He shouted, his head popping out of the water. "I can't move! I'se not movin'! I can't kick da water! I'se not swimming!" Hotshot rolled his eyes. "I don't think you'se can master swimming so easily, Ike. And now I have to save ya to stop you'se from drowin'."

Hotshot swam across the river to a spluttering Ike. 

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