What is happening to me?

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Stiles POV:

Its been 2 weeks since we won against the Nogitsune. After that the pack didn't look at me the same. They were avoiding me. I tried to be the same but without my friends I couldn't be the same. Scott told me that he wants to talk to me about something. I don't know what he wants.

"Stiles I need to talk to you like, right now." Scott said in a hurry

"What is it dude?" I asked him

"Follow me." Scott said as he started to walk away. I quickly followed him.

"What is it Scotty?" I asked

"Stiles its too dangerous for you to be in the pack, and what happend with the Nogitsune we can't trust you right now." I could feel my heart break "All of us agreed upon this so I wanted to inform you that you are no longer welcome within the pack. Maybe later you can join back Stiles." Scott said

'Yeah right.' I thought 'No way that I am going to join back to this shitty pack. They backstab eachother. I will watch as your pack crumbles Scotty boy.' All I could feel was anger. And Everything started to become a little foggy.

I faked a tear and I slowly noded "Okay Scott. Whatever you say. I don't feel good right now so please, I need to go." Scott let me leave and I went to the restroom (toilet for not americans). I looked into the mirror and I was shocked

 I looked into the mirror and I was shocked

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Think of this like he is in the restroom.

"What the-" I said. I was shocked because I remember that no one bit me.


I went home after school.

"Dad, I might have become a werewolf." I said while entering the room

"What? But you weren't bitten." I flashed my yellow eyes. I could smell the shock from my father which was stange

"I know thats the thing." I said anger in my voice "Scott kicked me out of the pack." I informed him. He was even more shocked at what Scott did

"You need to tell Scott." Dad said. I only looked at him. After 1 minute dad said "Okay, bad idea."

"I want to change schools." I informed dad

"What? Stiles we will not move." Dad said

"I know but I want to go to a school that teaches the supernatural. And I heard of one while I was with Derek and his pack before." I said

"Where is that school?" Dad asked

"Mystic Falls, Virginia." I said. Dad looked at me the shock his head

"No" he simply said

Then I felt pain in my chest and fell to the floor. I was stronger, faster. I was better then a Beta. As I looked up at my father, I started pushing myself up as my eyes glew red

What do you think? how was this chapter? Please comment and I will try to reply. Sorry that this is a short chapter but its like 2 am so I have to sleep.

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