I like to watch things burn

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Stiles POV:

Hope took out a book under her bed.

"What do you want to do with Landon?" He looked at the papaer that she took out of the book while she was looking at him shocked like every time "Oh, you want to kill him?" I said "I can help with that."

"No" Hope said

"Didn't give you a choice" I said back to her. She then let me help them and I went after her to the car

Timeskip they go down to the car:

"Hello?" Said Hope to Rafael under the car

"Hey." He said back

"Adjusting the sway bar." He said

"Was it broken?" Hope asked

"It is now." He gets out of the car "You are after Landon."

"Please don't continue that. Its getting annoying, you try to protect him but it won't work." I cut in

He looks at me "And why is that?" He asked

"He tricked me." I said "I don't like people that trick me."

Hope looked at me "He is right." She looked back at Rafael "You should stay out of it. He's a liar and a thief."

"He took a stupid knife." said Rafael

"And he tricked me." I cut in

"How did he trick you?" asked Rafael

"I let you take him to the party. He met Hope somewhere and he saw the knife and took it. And here nothing is stupid anyway." I said

Hope showed him what happend

"Oh and he killed people too. Don't try to save him." I added "Now fix it!" I said with my alpha eyes

He looked scared but calmed down "No." He said

"Then I will rip your troath out with me teeth if you don't fix it." I said. Then my turned back "My God, I sound like Derek."

"Who is Derek." Hope asked

"Doesn't matter." I said

Alaric showed up "He can come and you too Stiles." he said

"I would come either way." I said "Now fix the car and put on a shirt." 


We arrived and fount a woman in the forest. She had a weird smell so I think she is a supernatural "She has the smell of a supernatural." I said to Hope while we walked away to find Landon

"What exactly happened on that bus?" Asked Rafael

"No one knows." Said Hope "It's like something incinerated it from the inside."

"Look, whatever he did, I know there's a good explanation. He's the most loyal friend that I've ever had. He was there for me on the worst day of my life. After my girlfriend died, he's the only thing that kept me going. So let me get that knife back for you and then we both can hear him out, okay?" Said Rafael

"Appreciate the passion, but maybe you should exert some of it making new friends."

"So I can be as popular and well-liked as you?" Asked Rafael

"She is popular but not well liked." I said. He gave me a look "Or atleast I don't. Before he took the knife I was team Landon ya know. Thats why I tool him to the party." Now Hope gave me a look and I sighed "I can't always make people happy." I said to Hope

"I promise I can get you the stupid, not-stupid knife and the answers you want." said Rafael

"And why should I belive you?" Hope asked. I gave her a look and she corrected " Why should we?" I gave her a nod

"Because I don't lie." he said

"You just lied." I said "Your heartbeat speed-up and that means you lied."

"He is in the root cellar." Hope said "You have 3 minutes."

"Wait, the headmaster said don't engage." Said Rafael and I sighed

"Two minutes, 59. Two minutes, 58." I said. he quickly ran in

"Now we wait 3 minutes and if he doesn't come back with it, I will let you kill him with the magic." I said. She tried to go after him but I blocked her way "Wait a little." 3 minutes later we walked in. The knife wasn't in Rafaels hand so Hope smacked Landon against the wall with her magic

"Hey!" Shouted Rafael

"Where's the knife?" Hope asked

"I don't have it. I must've lost it when I ran." Said Landon and Hope looked at me to confirm if he is telling the truth

"He is lying." I said. Landon gave me a look and I sniffed in the air and I took out the knife from his pocket and gave it to Hope "There you go."

I hope you liked this 2 chapter. I will try to make more but I have no promises

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