Landon's hero

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Stiles POV:

I saw Lizzie get rejected by the other new guy. After that I searched for something else to watch. Before the guy walked away I patted his shoulder and told him "Keep it up man." Before I heard fighting and I ran there. It was Hope fighting Alaric. I was watching then Hope cheated.

"Cheater." Alaric says

"You should really let a vampire start doing my training." Said Hope "You're getting a little old for me to break your human bones."

"How dare you?" Asked Alaric "You and Landon have a thing or something?"

"I don't have things." She said

"Oh come on, you were all over him in the car." I said making then look at me "You didn't know I was here?"

Timeskip cuz I Stiles is not there.

"Hey." said Hope to Landon

"Hope." said Landon

"Can't sleep either?" Asked Hope

"Yeah, small places. You?" Asked Landon

"Sometimes I get restless." Answerd Hope

"Busy brain?" Asked Landon

"Busy everything." She said "My body has a lot going on inside of it."

"Which is an awesome segue into you telling me how you can move things with your mind." Said Landon

"You ask a lot of questions." Says Hope

"Wouldn't you?" He ask. She just hmms at it

"Why are you smiling?" Asked Hope

"I'm remembering the day we danced in the town square." Said Landon

"This guy who used to mess with me in school finally got what was coming to him." Said Hope "I'd had a good day."

I appeared there from my ability (invisiblity) "Just get together already." I said

They looked at me shocked

"Did you never see a person with the ability of invisbility?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Landon gave me a look and I said "Okay you didn't Landon. But I was expecting that Hope did."

"Anyways I'm gonna try that sleep thing again." Hope said and she walked away

"Why did you come here?" he asked me

"To free you." I said "Okay, so-" the door unlocked and something started pulling landon by his leg. I held up my right hand and the magic was stopped. 

"What was that?" Landon asked

"Someone wanted to free you and pull you away from here. Let's see who they are." I held out my left hand and an earth image appeard on it. It zoomed to a place where a Raf and Josie were talking about the magic not working. 

"Can you bring me there?" he asked. Next second we were there because I picked him up and ran here. They looked up to us as I put Landon down

"Hey-" Said Landon but I didn't hear the next because i ran to my room to sleep

The other things happen and Stiles just watches as things happen

Hey. You may ask how Stiles was invisible. I decided that Stiles's werewolf ability should be invisibility, because why not? I hope you liked this chapter and I am sorry that this is short but I am planning the next chapter and rewatchin Legacies so I don't have much time (Had to play CK3 too)

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