The strange place

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Hello guys! Shout-out to JanosFanGod. Enjoy this new short chapter!

Stiles POV:

We were stopped by a fence before us that had the name 'Triad Industries' we got out of the car and looked around to see if the fence maybe stopped the monster. It didn't but we found the hole to go inside

The place was huge and we found the monster. It was walking fowards slowly and a bomb blew it up and it knocked out everyone

When we woke up we were in the middle of nothing. When we got into the car it seemed everyone exept me forgot about how we found Landon's mom. Alaric has decided to bring Landon back to school. We left Landon in his room and me and Hope went to talk with Alaric.

"Which brings me to my question. What do we do next?" Asked Hope

"How am I supposed to know? I don't remember doing anything you just said." Said Alaric

"You'll know because you always know. Because you're a good headmaster in spite of all the things that I say." They continued to talk and I decided to not tell them about that I remembered

Hope took out the urn that the monster had and she had put it down at the table. It began glowing and we didn't know what is coming next

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a nice day! Bye!

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