Stiles vs The Council

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Hi guys! I know I took my time writing this but I had things to do but I am finally back. I hope you can forgive me but let's begin today's chapter. Also shout out to JanosFanGod

Stiles POV:

When she was about to begin I sensed someone outside with power that is not from this world

"I'm sorry but I have to deal with somethings quick." I walk outside of the room and I face a human looking guy

"And who might you be?" I ask him

"The one of k!lls you, Mieczysław Stilinski!" He said calmly

"You can't k!ll me!

Writer: haha you get it?

I'm too powerful for you. You might be strong but not enough." I said and he got visibly angry

"We will see that!" he said and he ran at me like there is no tomorrow. He was fast faster then anyone on this planet... but me

I quickly react to it and dodge him. The world slows down right now we are so fast that other people might not even see us, but thats not what is important. I punch the guy in the face and he flew north to very far from here

I ran to the way he flew. After about 0,5 half second I saw that he was still in the air. It was colder then where we were from. I slammed him into the ground and I stoped. 

"You done?" I asked him

"Far from it." He said and he wanted to suprise me with a punch but I caught his hand and I broke his arm, but he healed it back so it did almost nothing. I slammed my leg into his chest and he started bleeding very badly but I didn't stop there, I kicked into him and I heard something metal break

"You brought metal armor into a fist fight? You are a coward!" I said to him and I let him stand up. He was angry and tried to punch me. What an idiot? I easily countered his attack and I pushed him to 1 knee

"Now tell me who sent you or I will k!ll you!" I said and I held him down.

"The Council of True Immortals sent me here to test you and k!ll you." He said revealing everything I needed to know. I heard about them a little from future me

"Now leave this planet or I will k!ll you!" I threw him on the ground and he jumped out into space. Weird. Anyways I ran back and I heard she was in middle of talking so I arrived back just in time

Eyoooo everybody this is the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed because I did. I am officaly back and I am back at the Sunday updates but I might post more chapter if you guys want me to. Comment if you do, Now Bye!

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