New Pack member

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I want to say thanks to you all and tag my biggest fan JanosFanGod. Enjoy!

Stiles POV:

"This isn't a contest, Lizzie." Said Hope to Lizzie

"You're right." Said Lizzie "It's a mission for a hero and her league of... whatevers."

"Yeah. Screw that. I work alone" Said Kaleb and walked away

"MG, I need your compulsion skills. Would you like to be the Robin to my Batwoman?" Lizzie asked MG

"Actually, Batwoman doesn't have a Robin. She..." Said MG before getting cutted if by Lizzie

"Metaphor, nerd. Let's go." Said Lizzie and they walked away

Hope and Landon looked at eachother awkwardly.

"Well then we will be a trio." I said


"This is the senior hallway, where I spent much of my formative years stuffed in every locker... except this one." Said Landon while slapping a locker door "That one doesn't open. On your left, you'll find the bathroom." He said "It's where I had my first kiss with a toilet."

"Damn dude, thats though." I said and I already knew what was going to happen

"I'm sorry. Is the fact that I'm not openly hostile to you make it seem like we're back to being friends?" Hope said to him agressively

"Uh, sorry. Just, I was going for effortlessly natural. But this is all just making me really nervous. Like, the school and seeing Connor and being with you...Uh, sorry. Just, I was going for effortlessly natural." Said Landon. The tension could be cut by a knife and we started walking again

"Shouldn't you be talking to anyone you know?" Hope asked him

"That's easier said than done. There is no way Dana's clique is talking to me unless you have a spell that will make me retroactively cool." Answered Landon

"Well, I'll talk to them, then." Said Hope

"It's even worse for you. Trust me. You have no idea how human high schools work. You're the new girl. Might as well be radioactive." Said Landon

"They will be more around..." I was cut off by a that girl comes up to Hope and taps her shoulder

"I'm sorry. You look traumatized. Is this loser bothering you two?" Asks the girl Hope and me

"I'm good." I said

"He keeps trying to get me to buy his mix tape." Said Hope

"Gross. Well, we're going to lunch. You hungry?" The girl asks Hope

"Famished." Said Hope and they walkes away

Landon sighs

"Well then let's continue to look around!" I said

My favorite thing called Timeskip is here:

"Hey." Said Hope coming from behind of us. Landon got shocked and looked back. I already knew so it wasn't a big deal for me

"Let me guess. Pigtails spilled her guts and confessed to kidnapping Dana and Sasha. Case closed." Said Landon with sarcasm, he gained my respect right here

"Her name's Cheryl, and not exactly. But she did invite me to try out for the cheerleading team." Said Hope

"Who are you right now?" Asked Landon

"She is an alien my friend." I said to him

"And what is that on your head?" Asked landon from Hope

"I was wrong. She is a cat-alien" I said

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