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Hello! This is a short chapter so please don't hate. Let's get into it!

Stiles POV: 

"MG and Stiles, listen for her breathing." Said Hope

"Hold on. I hear something. Shovel." Said MG and they started shoveling I had a bad feeling. When MG dug into the ground something grabbed his leg and Mg tried to get away but Some zombie looking guy came out of the ground

Penelope attacked it with the shovel but it didn't work. My eyes flashed white and a GLOCK 19 Gen5 pistol (Let's say that it exist in that time) and without thinking I shot it in the head

"I didn't knew we were in Resident Evil and other Zombie movies." I said other zombies started to get out of the ground. I started to shoot them but after 14 more zombies finished I was out of ammo. 

After that I started to ripp off their heads and Hope sent MG away to find Josie and they started cutting the zombies heads. I heard MG fall and I helped him. I ran where I smelled Josie and i digged her up. And after much drama we were finally back to the school. I wanted to go sleep but in the end I decided to watch Rafael and Hope dance. After they finished I clapped and we decided to separate our ways.

And thats it for today and I hope you liked it have a nice day!


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