The end of the Council

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Hello guys! I'm back too soon for me but we have no time so I will continue to work on this. This is short but I need to continue so I have moe time for my other story. Shout-ot to JanosFanGod

Stiles POV:

The space ship door opened and a man in a space armor came out of it with a spear in his hand.

"You need to give up or you will die." He said in a calm voice

"Never!" I attacked him but I passed trough him and he stabbed me with the spear in the stomach but it didn't heal back "Who are you?" I ran past him and I collapsed to the ground

"They call me A-1. And I'm the leader of the Council." He said and he walked over to me and he put his hand out to help me stand up. I touched his hand and I used that white magic line to put us into a prison thats outside of time

"I have caught you." I said and I healed in no time "This place is outside of time so nobody can contect you or me but I will-" I used the line to chain him to place and I took his spear. When I got the spear power ran trough me.

"Now tell me your real name!" I ordered him

"I will get out of here and when I do then I will kill your little love." He said and I got mad

"She is already dead." I said being very mad since I just lost her

"Oh it didn't happen yet. Well it will soon and you will beg me to let her live. But I will kill her!" He said

"Shut up! She can't come back and I will not let you trash talk her!" I teleported back to Earth and nothing changed I teleported to the Council's hidden place and I started to slaughter everyone

I didn't left anyone alive and nobody could give me a challange. I destroyed the place and then I went back to Earth and I went back to school and thats when I noticed. The Summer was over and I wasn't here for the entire Summer I clouded my powers and I went back to Salvatore school and I didn't feel Alaric's presence. I absorbed the spear into my body and I tried to find him

He was in Mystic Falls High as a principal. I went over there and I walked into his office and then I joined to the school and then I saw Hope...

This is it for today I hope you like this and bye!

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