I'm an Alpha now

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Stiles POV:

When I got up the world around me slowed down. I could see almost everything. I heard much better then before. As I looked at my dad he told me

"Yeah we should go to Mystic Falls." I could hear from his tone that he was still shocked but tried to calm down. After 2 minutes he calmed down "Stiles go to sleep. We will talk about this tomorrow."

"Okay dad." I said as I walked to my room


Its the morning and me and dad talked about everything and we decided to move away from here and sign me in the Salvatore High shool. So we decided that we move next week.

Timeskip again: (I know there is much timeskip but I'm lazy. And I will write what happend either way.)

In this 1 week I had tried to learn how to control my powers. To my suprise it was easy like it was a 6th instinct for me. We are moving with my jeep. I went to people that I still could call friends like Derek even through we argue much we are friends I think. We are moving now. "Are you ready dad?" I asked.

"Yeah I am Stiles calm down a little we don't have to hurry." He told me and he drove my jeep.

Good old Timeskip is back: (did you miss it? I think so too.)

We went from the north because we wanted to rest and enjoy our travel so we stopped at many sight. We stopped in Virginia, Atlanta. And we rented a motel room for now. I went for a walk and I saw a girl and a boy around my age and an old man break into a church. I was interested so I used my stealth and just walked in behind them without them noticing me. As I walked in I heard a man talking Latin or something. A boy was transforming into a wolf it seems.

The old man talked "Shut down the exorcist, would you?"

"Silencio." Said the girl and the guy's mouth that spoke Latin disappeard.
"Ad somnum" the girl said and the cross from guy without a mouth's hand fell to the ground. They chained down the werewolf. While I was chilling on a bench with my legs on the bench before me. The guy turned to a wolf.

"Thats brutal." I commented. They looked at me shocked. "Oh you didn't notice me?" I asked

"Who are you?" Asked the old man and the girl in unison

"I saw 3 people enter a locked church and I became interested." I said

The old man shot the girl a look and she casted a spell or something but before the spell could reach me I held up my right hand and it stopped the spell. They looked at me shocked.

"What are you?" The girl asked

"I have been called many things. Skinny defendless human. Abominable snowman. But lets skip that I am an Alpha werewolf." I said and I showed them my red eyes. "And I can use some kind of magic but thats destructive." I said. "Oh and by any chance do you know where is the Salvatore boarding school?" They noded still shocked


The travel to the school was boring so I just joked here and there. The magic girl talked too much. Her name is Hope if I got that right. And they boy's name that she talked to is Landon.

"Welcome to the Salvatore school." A blonde girl said "We are your school guides." They said

"I'm Josie." Said a black haired girl

"I'm Lizzie." Said the blone

"Sisters." Said Lizzie

"Twins." Corrected Josie

"Can you like show us around because its getting annoying." I said. They didn't like that much. They frowned. "Okay sorry, can you guys show around then?"

"Yeah." They answered

They talked to Hope and shit They showed around and we were looking at a match of Wickery. It was interesting. Lizzie dibsed the new guy. I was just looking around.

This is it for this Wednesday I will try to write more then 3 for next. Till then see ya.

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