Big Spider

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Hello back! This chapter is super late and I'm sorry but here we are again.  shout out to JanosFanGod. NGL the new pack member shit came up on spot and I didn't plan that

Stiles POV:

I started to run back and nobody noticed when I arrived so I remained quiet. They put Dana's body at the back of the bus

"So let me get this straight. Dana was bitten by a spider and we don't know how to save her?" Asked Landon

"Yeah. Our only choice is either we turn her a vampire or a werewolf or she will die in minutes." I said making myself known to them

"Not everyone wants to be supernatural. Some people just want to be normal." Said Hope

"Dana's traumatized, you guys. This is a huge decision. Maybe we should give her a day or two." Said Lizzie

"Like I said she has a few minutes left before death." I said

"You should tell her the truth. My guess is that she'd be psyched to be at a place like your school... I know I would." Said Landon

"You're awful quiet over there, MG." Said Kaleb

"I'm a feminist, bruh. I'm not gonna tell Dana what to do with her body. Landon's right." Said MG. We all looked at Lizzie

"Ugh, fine. Okay, but to be clear, she is not joining drill team." Said Lizzie

"Surgere."  Casted Hope and Dana woke up

"Oh fuck. Either I turn her or some of you vampires she will die any second!" I said quickly. Nobody moved so I quickly bit her arm and used a magic that will make the turning faster and close to 99% success. Her eyes grew yellow and she automaticly joined my pack and i felt more powerful

"Why the hell did you just bite me?" Dana asked 

"It was either that or you would have died." I replied

"Should we call your dad?" Asked Hope while looking at Dana rapidly healing

"Why? So he can take another bullet for you?" Asked Lizzie

"No. Because we still don't know where that spider is. It's got to be another monster from the Knife. And we have a new werewolf around

Kaleb walked to Landon looking at him "Well, maybe the monster's been right in front of us all along." Said Kaleb

"What...? Are you serious?" Landon asked

"Hey, none of this started happening until you showed up and stole that Knife, which is exactly what the other monsters came here to do. You saying it's a coincidence?" Asked kaleb

"Yeah. Yeah. Yes, I am." Landon said. He looked aroundand everyone exept me and Dana looked at him like he was the reason. "You believe me, right?" He asked while looking at Hope. After a few second of looking at eachother "Got it. Say no more." Said Landon while walking away. I followed him and I guess Dana followed me because I heard someone was coming behind me and the others had no reason to follow me

We walked into the school and we let Landon have some alone time at the restroom. While he was away we talked with Dana

"Why did you save me? You have no reason to save me. And what am I really?" Asked Dana

"Firstly I saved you because everyone deserves to live. Secondly you are a werewolf. It will be hard at first but you will be fine with a little help." I said

Landon walked out of the restroomand started to walk away so we followed. A guy walked out of the restroom and Landon looked back at him

"What? All right, come on. Let's get this over with.What's it gonna be? Toilet bowl? Trash can? Bloody nose? Say something, you dick." He said before starting to walk away but he changed his mind and turned back "No, you made my life miserable. You don't get to pretend I don't exist." Landon punched the guy and the skin of the guy was on Landon's hand and from the guys face it showed some of the spiders face parts

"What the hell!?" Shouted up Dana. I quickly grabbed them and I ran us back to the others

"If we had something from it, we could do a tracking spell." Said Lizzie

"Would its face work?" Asked Landon from Lizzie

"We found the spider." I said. Kaleb wasn't there anymore

"And where is Kaleb?" I asked

"He left us here." Said Hope

Timeskip till they arrive:

The girls exept Dana went in to deal with the spider and we the boys and Dana saved the others out

When they were finished they walked out with some yellow liquid on them

Timeskip till night when they are at school:

Me and Landon + Rafael were sitting and looking out of our heads. We were talking to eachother before and Landon agreed to join my pack and now we were just chilling. Then Hope came and sat down between me and Landon

"So much for my plan to spend the day as a normal teenage girl. Did good back there." She said to Landon

"Yeah." While throwing a stone into the water "Felt nice to be part of the team... until you all accused me of being a monster."

"I'm sorry. It's just gonna take us some time before we can trust you again." Said Hope

"Yeah. I got that. Repeatedly exept from Stiles." Landon said "So let me lay this out for you all at once. I don't know why I was drawn to that Kn*fe any more than I can explain why a supersized spider inhabited the body of a kid who used to bully me in high school. I don't know why creatures we've only read about in books are making cameos in Mystic Falls. I don't have an explanation for any of this. And let's be honest, neither do any of you. So as far as I can see, we're supposed to be in this together. And this morning, all I wanted to be was sitting here. Part of all of this. Spending time with you. But all day long you ridiculed me, and then you hung me out to dry. When it mattered. You wanted to know what it's like to be normal? Congrats, Hope. You're officially normal." Said Landon finishing his long  speach. Landon and Rafael stood up and walked away

Hope looked sad so I i took away her pain and so some of her sadness

"He will forgive you you just have to give him some time." I said while my inner wolf was going crazy. She laid her head on my shoulder and we continued to look into the nothingness

It was cringe writing the last part but here we are at the end of this chapter and I have to thank you guys this is 1K words again and thats crazy for me. This only took 2 hours but I am quite proud of this see ya guys later!

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