The Council

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Hello guys this is a short chapter sadly today. Maybe on Wednesday will come a new chapter, but I do not know yet. This Chapter will have the main villians that has nothing to do with Legacies. Enjoy!

3rd Persons POV:

In a big room there was a huge table that had 12 floating chairs around it and there was 3 more at the rooms other side. In every chair a person was sitting exept one bigger chair.

"We have found a true Immortal. His powers are amazing. We have found him in time and his location. Should we send a team for him?" Asked someone in a smaller chair

"No, firstly we test his power. Send your apprentice to him and tell your appretice that he has to bring him back. And list all the powers that has been observed from that Immortal!" Said one of the guy in a bigger chair

"True Immortality, creation, time travel, potential dimension travel, super speed, super strenght and many more that i couldn't find out yet." Said the guy in a smaller chair

"Great! Meeting is over! Leave!" Said the guy in the big chair and everyone left

Well this is it for today. If you have any question then ask it from me. Bye!

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