The Future brings a suprise (part 1)

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Hello guys! Firstly I want to say sorry for not uploading. I wantend to write a chapter on Wednesday but problems occured. But here is the new chapter that is either about a suprise or episode 7. I do not know yet. Have a good read!

Stiles POV:

We had to write a message to the dead but after a little talk with Alaric I made a deal with him so I don't have to.  So I decided to chill around and train a little.

After some hours I went into a forest nerby. Thats when I saw someone. A man in a black robe and a full face mask was standing on a tree looking at me. The next moment he vanished into nothing. I feared he might attack me so I ran as fast as I could out of the forest but I was too late.

he was standing right before me.

"Let me teach you something kid." Said the stranger and his eyes glew white and he punched me in the face. I flew into a tree and he was nowhere

I wanted to run back to the Salvatore school but the school was not there. I felt like someone was behind me so I turned around and it was the man.

"Where are we?" I asked him

"The question is, when are we?" Said the man "but the next question can be where." Said the stranger but I didn' want him to punch me again so I attacked him. My eyes were glewing red. I made the first strike but he caught it and threw me into a tree

"Kid you can't stop me." Said the stranger calmly

"I can and I will." I said to him and ran at him again. I made a punch at his face but he disappeared. I felt a kick on my back and next moment I'm falling from the sky.

I felt like I can't stop the falling but an invisible force caught me. The strange man was leaning against a tree

"Okay now that we are here i want you to learn to not run into a fight head first or you will die and I can't let that. You need to exist so a future can too. So hear me out!" Said the Stranger

"Leave me alone!" I ran at him full force but he hit me in the face and I felt like my face was crushed but it healed back

"If you were a normal human you would have died. Don't be stupid kid and learn from me! Only I can teach you to use your ability." Said the Stranger

"I don't belive you." I said sitting on the ground

"Have you ever wondered why you have your powers, Why you are more powerful then the others? Its because you have a gift kid. And your power will grow faster with me. And you will need to promise only one thing but we will talk about it later." Said the Stranger

"I will not do what you want." I said 

"Fine. But you will have to wait 1000's of years before you meet your friends. You might ask why and I will answer for that. We are in 2000 BC in Europe. So you have to wait around 4000 years before you can replace your past self when he meets me. Or you can learn from me to control your powers to the fullest and travel back yourself." Said the Stranger

"Fine have it your way. Train me. But I want to know who you are." I said

"After our first lesson you can. But get up kid we have work to do." Said the Stranger

Timeskip 5-6 hours:

"Are we finshed yet?" I asked panting

He taught me a fighting style that will be very useful in the future and we improved my speed and strength. He told me that time travel will need more then what we learnt today. Which is crazy we have been learning and fighting for 6 hours.

"For today. You will have a harder lesson tomorrow." Said the Stranger said

"Okay, now tell me who you are!" I said

"Fine. My name is..." Said the Stranger and he took of his mask

Well this is it for today. I hope you liked it. Who do you guys think this masked man is? Put your answer to the comments. if everything goes right the part 2 comes at Sunday. Bye!

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