Tf just happend?

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Hello guys! Here is the merged part like I promised. Enjoy! Also shout out to 

3rd person POV:

The Council of True Immortals were in a meeting

"We got our information on what happend to your student Thorne (the guy in the smaller chair)" Said the boss (the guy in the bigger chair) "He got executed for failing us. Now I will send you against the boy. You shall soon leave with your army. And don't forget your position could be filled by anyone at any moments so, don't fail us like your student did. You undersand?"

"Yes sir." Said Thorne "I will not fail you." He stands up and walks out of the room to gather his troops and invade Earth.

The boss smirked and continued their session

The ballance between Stiles and the Council is still on his side but any little thing could change that any minute. 

Stiles POV:

I just arrived back in the room quiet and Landon's mom was still talking so I haven't missed much.

"-I realized my memory was being erased. The question was: How?" Asked Landon's mom

"Malivore" Answered Alaric

"How do you know about Malivore?" Asked Landon's mom

"Landon took a Knife that belonged to our school's collection. Now monsters that shouldn't exist have been coming after it ever since." Said Alaric

"He means I stole it. And then I, like, um, woke it up or something. What's Malivore?" Said Landon

"It's a hell dimension that consumes creatures and wipes their existence from the collective conscience. Sound about right?" Answered Hope for Landon's question

"More or less." Said Landon's mom 

"Awesome." Said Landom amazed

"The last monster that came for the Knife was a Necromancer who screwed us over and returned it back to Malivore. Long story. But he said that the Knife is one of three keys that kept Malivore contained, so why are monsters still coming for you?" Said Hope 

"I have no idea. Didn't really get a chance to ask the last one. He just tried to eat me." Said Landon as an answer

"As you can see, it's been a rough semester." Said Alaric

"It will only get worse if you don't go home and forget you heard the name. Just like we forget anyone who's ever been there." Said Landon's mom

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. You-you have to tell us more." Said Landon

"I mean... I don't know who your father is. My job was stressful, so I had flings to blow off steam. Got pregnant, and just like your not-friend said, I'm not equipped to be a mother. Sorry. I thought I was giving you a better life." Said Landon's mom and she stood up and walked out of the room


We helped to cheer up Landon with Hope but things quickly changed. Landon's mom knocked Hope out with a gun (idk how its called) and a monster attacked us and we left an artifact to the monster so we can follow it to the Malivore and now here we are traveling with the car

I hope you liked this Chapter I know its short but I was watching too much Dexter, sorry! Anyways bye!

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