Saving Landon Part 2

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Hello guys! I'm going to start my story in my free time so it may come fast or very slow. Also thanks for 10K reads! Anyways enjoy this chapter! I have very much time to write this so this will kind of longer. Also shoutout to JanosFanGod

Stiles POV:

We finally arrived. It has been a too long ride, but with Alaric and Hope talking I could just focus on looking into the future which didn't help much since it is changing for now.

"And that is how osmosis works." Finished Alaric

"Mm." Noded Hope quite annoyed. She looked at a house and Alaric looked at the house after he saw what Hope was looking at

"Is this the place?" Asked Alaric

"Yup. And not a moment too soon. Pretty sure you were about to tell me how babies are made." Said Hope and she was ready to exit the car. But Alaric stopped her

"Hey, before we go in there, I just want to make sure we're clear." Said Alaric

"Don't worry, we're crystal. You're Professor X, I'm Wolverine." Said Hope

"I was more of a DC kid." Said Alaric

"Then you're Batman and I'm Robin." Said Hope

"And what about me?" I asked in a fake hurt tone. They just ignored me

"So how do you want to do this, hmm? Fireball? Wind torrent?" Asked Hope from Alaric

"I was thinking we'd knock." Said Alaric

"They'll never see that coming." Said Hope while geting out of the car

We got out the car and walked to the door

"We should come in hot. There could be a Jabberwocky on the other side of that door, for all we know." Said Hope

"Nonsensical poem written by?" Asked Alaric from Hope

"Charles Dodgson." Answered Hope

"Wrong. Lewis Carroll." Said Alaric

"The pen name of Charles Dodgson. I'm crushing English, too." Hope chuckled before saying this

Someone screamed inside

"Patere." Chanted Hope and the door fell down to the floor and she walked in

It was an old couple watching TV

"Uh, uh, what-what are you watching?" Asked Hope and Alaric walked in too

"Oh... I'm so sorry that we've ruined your lunch. I... I-I promise we're gonna replace your door." Said Alaric "That's some compass. We're in the wrong place." Whispered Alaric to Hope

While Hope looked around I walked up to Alaric

"I can fix the door and till yall look around I will be waiting outside" I said and i walked outside to wait for them.

"Someone knew we were coming." Said Hope in an angry tone and walked outside

When they were all outside I lifted my left hand and the door flew back into its place.

And we started to travel again after that. We saw that the road was blocked so Hope and Alaric got out of the car and talked to a guy there.

Timeskip: Night

We have been traveling for a long time but finally we ahve arrived to a Motel.

We walked to a door and Alaric walked inside it. A woman helt a gun to his head and we were ready to action

"Uh, I'm looking for Landon Kirby." Said Alaric

"And who the hell are you?" Asked the woman

"Uh..." Alaric was about to answer, but Hope pulled the gun out of the woman's hand

"People who care about him." Said Hope while walking inside the room while holding the gun at the woman "So tell me where he is before I blow your head off."

Alaric took the gun out of the hand of Hope and I walked in

"You must be Hope." Said the woman and Landon walked out of the bathroom

"What a suprise!" I said "You two have a strange bond so you must be his mom." She looked at me now

"So you're the headmaster of a private school for supernaturals." Said Landon's mom "And you're the teacher's pet?" She asked "And a guy that follows Hope blindly."

"Actually, she's kind of a pain in my ass." Said Alaric

"A little judgy for an absentee mother." Said Hope

"I do not follow her blindly. I know what is best to help others and my pack." I said kind of hurt by what Landon's mom said

"You were wrong. I like her." Landon's mom said to Landon. She looked at me and said "And I still think you are blindly following her

"Well, now you know about us. All we know about you is that you gave birth to Landon, he says a monster att*cked you, and now there's some sort of fake gas company coming after you two. So, I think it's time you start filling in some blanks." Said Alaric. Landon's mom was quiet for a moment or two but she has sit down on a bed ready to explain

Well this is it for today guys I hope you like this! And bye!

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