Saving Landon

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Sorry guys for not posting on Sunday! i was sick and I'm going to make a new book that is completly a new story and has no conection to this and it will come out finished. Enjoy todays stuff and yeah!

Stiles POV:

It was night so something didn't work but I like something was wrong. i went out of my room and started to wandering around. I heard that someone was walking so I ran there. i was behind Alaric and I hid in the darkness that wasn't covered by the lights of the fire.

"Going somewhere?" Asked Alaric "Better questions, where the hell do you think you're going with my keys and without telling me?"

"Um, you know, I just said some really harsh things to you yesterday, and so I just wanted to get you an oil change as a peace offering." Said Hope

Thats when I walked in

"I don't even have to use my powers to know you are lying." I said while walking up next to Alaric. He looked at me for a quick second but didn't say anything

"At 3 a.m.? Hope, you don't have a driver's license. You were gonna commit grand theft auto, which is a felony. You're ditching school right before the midterm exams begin, and you've made it very clear to me that you see me as an authority figure and nothing more. So tell me, why shouldn't I suspend you this very second?" Said Alaric in quite stoic mode. Hope lifted up her hand and her hand had a magic thingy on it "And what is that?"

"It's basically a supernatural compass." Said Hope and has put down her hand

"Well, I hope it's pointing you to your room 'cause that's where you're going" Said Alaric

"I'm going after Landon. If this thing is glowing, that means that he's in trouble." Said Hope

"Then we're going, and I'm driving. And I'm bringing Stiles to babysit you" Said Alaric

Timeskip: finally I'm dying here ;(

We went to Indiana and Alaric was singing a cringey song 

"♪Indiana. Crossroads of America♪. What's the capital?" Asked Alaric

"We learned that in, like, eighth grade." Said Hope

"I have been in Europe training for a long time so don't ask me." I said

"You have missed 1 day." Said Hope

"Time travel exist dummy. And someone has taught me very well." I said casually revealing this info to them

The vehicle is now silent. I don't know why. After a few minutes they started talking about studying so I zoned out and I knew something big was coming

New Chapter is coming at Sunday. I'm sorry this is short but thats all I can give today. Bye!

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