The Wicked Killer

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Sorry guys that I was not posting I was just waiting for my brain to write something actually acceptable and here it is. I hope you guys like it! Shout-out to JanosFanGod

3rd person POV:

In Mystic Falls a portal appeared and only supernatural creratures saw it so for sometime Hope and the Super squad had to make a truce, so they can find out what's happening. After hours of trying everything 4 men ran out of the portal and it closed

"Please saveus! The Wolf is coming." Yelled for help one of the man

They could do nothing but help and calm them down so the men could explain what's happening

Meanwhile many vampires and werewolf disappeard. Nobody knew where they were but one thing they knew... all the vampires were killed. But nobody saw any dead werewolf

1 day later:

It took them 12 hours to calm the men down but they were still visibly scared. After they explained what they did the Super squad didn't know what to do and it didn't interest Hope at all so she left

She went to a bar to drink something and possibly blood too. When she saw a man that was strangely reminding her of someone she doesn't remember but his face was just in her mind somehow. She couldn't sense what she was and he was looking at her with a drink in his hand

Because she didn't know what to do she went to his table ans sat down before him

"Hello, Hope Mikaelson!" Said the man

"You know who I am?" She asked "If you know who I am then you must know that I am the strongest being on this Earth!" She said trying to scare him

"Well... Not anymore. Anyways its good to see you again. Its strange seeing you without your humanity. I must ask, why did you turn it off?" Asked the man

"Why should I tell you? I don't even know you." Said Hope

"Well you don't remember me but I do remember you. The last time I saw you you came back from Malivore but here you are all vamp and stuff." He said with a joking voice but his face holded no smile

Stiles POV:

While I was sitting infront of Hope a man walked in. He was the man that locked me away from here. Only I and Hope saw him. I looked at him and he walked to out table and sat down. 

"Hello again!" He said

"Who are you?" asked Hope

"An enemy." I said 

"You came back here somehow. How did you though?" He asked

"I made Hope's humanity as my key. As soon as it was gone it opened the curse and I put the curse on you now. If she gains her humanity back you will be put into an another universe" I said and I teleported him away. And I also made only Hope remember who I am which made an inner war in her

Sorry for not posting but I will post an another tomorrow. Bye!

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