Rest of the season

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Hello guys its time that I finish Season 1 of Legacies and that means that I will cover 8 episodes in one chapter which means this will be the longest. Shoutout to my homie JanosFanGod. Enjoy!

Stiles POV:

While Hope and Alaric was talking I decided to go to sleep.

"I will go to sleep now." I informed them and I went to my room

They continued to talk and I layed down on my bed


Next day Alaric told everyone about the new artifact

"Yesterday, I came into possession of another Malivore artifact. It was my hope to find a method of containment before it signaled another monster, but given the emergency meeting I've just called, I'm sure you can guess how well that went." Said Alaric

We were looking around for Hope but we couldn't see her

"But rest assured we are taking every precaution. Sheriff Donovan has been kind enough to open the doors of the Lockwood Mansion to us, so Mr. Williams and Ms. Tig are now in the process of evacuating our students from the lower grades." Continued Alaric

"Why don't we just evacuate the damn artifact?" Asked Kaleb

"We are much more well-equipped than the world at large to handle the arrival of a monster. Once we know what we're dealing with and the problem is contained, then we can reassess what to do with the artifact. If any of you would like to evacuate, please talk to Dorian or Emma. However, exam week will continue as scheduled, wherever you are. I know. I'm sorry. I can't exactly call the state accreditation board and tell them that we're cancelling the exams because of monsters. We'll get through this, I promise. Try and get some rest, okay? Good night." Finished Alaric and all of us walked out after his speach

I felt danger somewhy and I couldn't sleep and my powers made me not sleepy and full of energy so I couldn't do anything about it. My connection with my pack knew exactly why. 


Alaric, Rafael and Hope were in alaric's office when I burted in the room. In the process the door almost fell down

"Look, I know that it sounds crazy, but I was studying and then I fell asleep, and then I just-" Stopped Rafael when I bursted in the room

"You should have informed me of his injury." I said angryly I went over to them and I grabbed his arm and I healed him and I took as much information of his injury as I could. "Wow Rafael I didn't think you would dream something like that. But it doesn't matter I know what that thing looks like. The only problem is that I can't sleep so I can't meet it." 

"Can you tell us what that monster looked like?" Asked Hope from Rafael

"She was wearing an-an old, black dress and-and a veil. And she told me, 'You know what I want.' But..." Said Rafael

"The urn." Said Hope after a little thinking

"Sounds like our next monster showed up. You know, every culture on Earth has legends about creatures that only appear in dreams. But a woman in a black dress and a veil is pretty specific." Said Alaric

"So, does that mean that she can, like, control what we see in our dreams? That she can put stuff in our, in our heads, right?" Asked Rafael

"It's possible." he said while looking trough a book about monsters, then he showed a page to us that had the monster on it. "Does that look familiar?" Rafael and I noded

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