Piece of Stone

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I have to thank you all for everything. This makes me happy that this story has reached 1K readers. I wouldn't even belive it if I said it to past me who released the first 2-3 chapters. Thank you so much.

Stiles POV:

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Stiles POV:

She fricking stabbed her own leg. I offered help

"Oh, my God." Said Hope "Aah! Ow."

"I will take her pain away and Josie pull that out." I pointed at the stick in her foot. I quickly put my hand on Hope's shoulder and started to take away her pain

"Are you okay? I mean, what do I do?" Asked Josie from Hope

"Help me pull it out." Said Hope "I can heal myself. Pull it out." She said before Josie could ask

Josie pulled out the stick and fell to the ground. Hope didn't feel it that much because I helped and I let her shoulder go. "You poked yourself." Said Josie.

They both started laughing and I sighed and continued my job

Timeskip till they have screen time: Shoutout to my coffee btw because it gives me enogh power to write 1 chapter

We finished with many bags. Josie was somewhy groaned

"Everything okay?" Asked Hope from Josie

"Yeah, I just think that that's making me a little bit nauseous." Said Josie while looking behind Hope

It was MG kissing a girl

"Huh. Didn't see that coming." Said Hope looking behind her

"It's simple math. MG has the hormones of a teenager and the impulse control of a preschooler." Said Josie

"He also always goes for the wrong kinds of girls." Said Josie

"Wait is she like the bad guy?" I asked "Like a bad person bad guy?"

"Yes." Said Josie. I nodded at this new information

"Given my last crush, I can't judge." Said Hope

"Hey here is a boy!" I said and waved at her "Say your girly stuff where its private." 

"Fine." they sayed and walked away to talk a little. And I started to go help around

Timeskip again :)

"I'm sorry, I can't let you leave." Said Dorian. We needed to get back to the school

"No, I need to go home to see my sister." Said Josie

"Your dad's with your sister. And I'm under strict orders to keep you here." Said Dorian

"What? Why?" Asked Josie

"And why are you researching that?" Asked Hope looking into his book. He quickly closed it


We arrived back to school.

"Lizzie?" Asked Josie loudly

"I'll check the library." Said Hope

"Who should I go with?" I asked

"With Hope." She said and I walked next to Hope

"Alaric is behind us and coming towards us." I said and we stopped and turned around

"What are you doing here?" Asked Alaric "Dorian was supposed to keep you away."

"He tried. He lost. But here." She gave him a little book "Killing Gargoyles 101. He thought you could translate it." 

"Gaulish. Son of a..." Said Alaric

"So are we are on our own, or did the Gauls provide clear instruction?" Asked Hope

"In a nutshell, it says hit it hard, repeat as needed." Said Alaric

"Oh thanks! It was really helpful." I said with some sarcasm. They ignored it and something roared

"Is that...?" Asked Hope

"Yeah."Said Alaric "I'm guessing, to get my attention. Then it attacked me and took the knife."

"The knife? The dragon knife? And you're still breathing?" Asked Hope

"Oh, I have a theory about that." Answered Alaric

"Well, save it, because we had to take down that containment spell to get inside the school, meaning our monster can get out." Said Hope

"A containment spell? Lizzie wanted to make sure whatever attacked her didn't escape into the world." Said Alaric "Good girl."

He put down the book and took out an axe "All right, well, guess we better find it... ( Grunts ) ...before it makes the evening news." He continued "So how'd you take the containment spell down?"

"She didn't. I did. And I have questions." Said Josie walking to us

"Badass." I said and she just gave a nod at me then started talking to her father

little timeskip:

We are walking to a door. We walked in and there was no one.

"Emma? Emma." Asked Alaric

She opened the door and she shushed us.

We heard loud footsteps behind us. Maria closed the door and it shrieked and flew down to us. I pulled Hope away. It attacked Josie and Alaric jumped before her it stopped  

"No! Dad! No!" Screamed Josie. few second later Josie attacked the monster from the back. Then Alaric attacked it. Then I slamed my hand in its face. It flew to the stair from the impact

"Fluctus inpulsa." Screamed Hope and the knife fell out of the monsters hand and it waslike it was punched in the face

Josie and Stiles, help me.

I nodded "I hold it down." I used my worldless magic and it couldn't move.

"How?" Josie asked

"Just repeat after me." Replied Hope

"Fluctus inpulsa." She said. They held hands and started casting the spells

Then they started spamming that poor mf. It blew up 

This is the end of todays chapter. Everything after this happend like cannon but Stiles is there and after Alaric's speach he went to his room to sleep. Goodbye and Have a nice day/night

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