The Wolf

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Hello guys! Sorry for not uploading I had no idea for what to do. So I decided to change the story a little. I hope you enjoy and lets get into it!

3rd preson POV:

Stiles enjoyed being with his son. His son ment everything to him in the new world. But the question is how would he react if his son died? Well let's see it

1 year later:

Stiles was teaching his son how to fight while power-hungry people from the town attacked them to claim the town for themselfs. They knew that they couldn't kill Stiles and his son easily so they threw bombs at the family. When the bomb blew up and the smoke cleared out all they saw was Stiles without a scratch on his body holding his son's dead body

"W-what are you?" Asked one of the people that attacked Stiles and his son

Stiles' eyes glew red with a tint of purple and he looked at the with bloodthirst in his eyes

"Your death!" He said with a voice that sounded very unnatural and beastlike. The people begun to run away but their plan failed Stiles killed everyone of them with cold blood. He left the group leader for last. He took him by the neck and ripped his heart out and threw it on the ground

He left the bodies on the ground and he walked away with his son's body and his lost hope in humanity

5000 years later:

There was a legend that someone called The Wolf could be seen every day at a very specific tomb that had the name Noah Stilinski. His name was legendary since anybody that tried to rob him died while trying to get to him

The Empire that Stiles has built with his friends has been officaly broken up since about 4945 years because the clan leaders couldn't agree

There was a bandit group that wanted to rise to fame and who else would be the perfect target for that then a legendary lone man? They were wrong tho, very wrong. They didn't find the man but they trashed the tomb and sent him a threat that they will kill him if he doesn't give himself up within 2 days. When The Wolf saw happend was the first day in history of their world that blood has rained from the skies

The Wolf has attacked the group and killed 2 of them out of 6 but a mysterious portal appeared infront of them and with nothing left for their lives they risked and ran inside and the portal closed before The Wolf so he couldn't follow them. The Wolf's anger shook the whole world but then his anger stopped as he realised something...

His prison/lock was open...

That's it for today. I hope you guys liked it. Have a great day! And good bye!

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