New Powers

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Hello guys! I have decided that i will unify the 2 parts and delete the chapter that was before this. For anyone that is asking my ankle is healing. So let's get into it!

Stiles POV:

I offered the packs help to carry tables. We were getting ready to carry the tables and Hope was walking to us.

"Okay guys let's start." I say and The pack starts going around carrying the tables and chairs. Hope walked up to me while I was going to a table

"Perks of being an alpha. Bunch of people you get to boss around." Said Hope to me. Rafael was next to me and he gave an angry look to her.

"Honestly it sucks to boss around too much." I said to her "And I would be really happy if you would leave us alone."

"Listen, Stiles, I know you're mad at me for sending Landon away, but... I promise you, it was for his own good." Said Hope to me

"I am his alpha and Rafael his brother we know better what he needs then you. We could have protected him." I said to her

"Listen, Stiles and Raf, I just came here to apologize. And I thought maybe if...-" Said Hope before I cut her off

"If you want peace then... hm..." I said and thought about something " Teach this young great man how to go to a fancy party because he doesn't want to let Lizzie down." I said

"Fine." She agreed and I sent them away and i continued my job but I alone carried the table


After we finished with the work I have started feeling weird. After a few seconds i was back to normal. I decided to look to look into it but I didn't find anything so I went to look on how Rafael is doing. When i arrived Penelope was talking to the two of them

"Sorry, kids. Nothing personal." Said Penelope. She didn't notice I was there but somewhy Rafael and Hope didn't too

"Let us out of here, Penelope." Said Hope

"You'll be free in an hour." Said Penelope and Rafael sighed "Plenty of time to practice that waltz." she shruged her shoulders and turned around to walk away

I couldn't let her do that.

"You aren't going anywhere." I informed and before she could do anything I snaped my fingers infront of her face and she was knocked out cold. I didn't catch her so she fell to the floor loudly "Well now to free you..."

"Where did you come from?" Asked Hope

"Me? I was here when you guys were talking." I said and I tried to use my magic on the barrier but it didn't work somewhy "Why is it not working?"

I was angry. I can't just leave them there. I touched the barrier with both of my hands and started focusing

Third POV:

Stiles eyes glew white before he closed them 

Stiles POV:

When I opened my eyes I was in a void with only one thing in the void exept me, a glowing string that I couldn't see the end of. I looked at it.

"What is that?" i thought. i touched it and I opened my eyes quickly in the real world. My eyes were glowing red now and My heart was beating very fast. I pulled my hands away from the barrier and the barrier melted into nothing

"That was something." I said still not recoverd from that place "Now let's get going!"


Since I didn't find anyone to dance with I went with Hope and we saw Alaric hold some woman and after dealing with her we got MG and Penelope to join us save Josie

And thats it for today floks! If you want me to post tomorrow then I can just comment if you want a next episode or not. Have a great day, goodbye!

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