Chapter 1- Riggs

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6 months after she left

"Are you going to admit they've gotten worse or are you gonna blame it on adrenaline drop again?"

My heart feels like it just got done running a marathon and seeing anyone leaning over me is not helping. "I'll survive," is all I offer in defense.

"Insufferable asshole," he mutters even as he reaches out to pull me out of bed. "Can't sleep with you howling like a damn cat getting its tail pulled. I'll start the coffee if you cook," he grumbles.

"I can do that. The others still asleep?" I search the drawers for a shirt and some socks while I wait for his answer. Bacon grease burns are the worst and being underground is always cold.

"Pretty sure I heard Dario snoring earlier and I'm still not convinced that Jaxson sleeps at all. He's probably up washing the walls or something."

"It's fine. I'll make enough for all of us." Cooking is the exact kind of distraction I need. Despite what I tell the others, Kace is right to get on my ass. The nightmares are worse, a mixture of the past and chocolate brown eyes widening in fear as I strangled the life out of them. No one comes to rescue her in my dreams and I can't wake myself fast enough to escape the vacant stare haunting me.

"Drink up. You look like shit," Kace says as he places a steaming mug on the counter beside me while I serve up four plates of bacon, eggs, and some premade biscuits. I don't have it in me to make them from scratch today, despite the distraction they would be.

"You say the sweetest things. Have I ever told you that? Dick," I thump his shoulder as he dips out with his plate and mug.

"The sooner you admit you love me, the sooner we can eat. I'm starved after this last job. We were out there a whole week. I don't want to see the inside of the car for a good while," he drops his plate onto the coffee table and sinks into the couch. "And I'm cutting D off. I'm pretty sure all he functioned on was sugar and caffeine; was vibrating the whole way home till he crashed. Never again," he shudders.

Our last job had us set up in west Texas and all of us are glad to be back home. Despite the heat on us and the pressure I'm sure he must be under from his customers, Hamilton hasn't budged an inch. All he has to do is release his claim and we'll stop. It's the same deal we offered his aging father before he retired. We're barely stealing more than pocket change to him. Instead he's ignoring us like we're flies at a cookout.

I was naïve to think this would all work out so easily. It's been a year. I've been dead a whole year and the only people who know the truth are trapped here in limbo with me. And her. Calista. Although can I really count her when she doesn't even know my name? I'm just God to her and a powerless one at that.

These past few months, we've been drifting. Going through the motions, distracting ourselves. Kace and I most of all, as if by ignoring her absence we won't feel it. Dario and Jax indulge, pining over glimpses on a screen. I throw myself into plans, pouring over schematics and personnel files so that we don't a mistake like we did in Gremory.

"Please tell me there's more coffee in the kitchen," Dario yawns. His wrinkled shirt with questionable stains and shorts that appear backwards have me ready to back up Kace when he tells him that he's relegated to decaf until he gets some proper sleep.

"Alright Dad," he snarks, grumbling under his breath while he doctors his mug with enough cream and sugar to throw a diabetic into a coma while I arch a brow at him. Willful pup.

The three of us are most of the way finished with breakfast right as Jaxson strolls in to grab his own plate and cup of tea, the pretentious ass. "I'm tired of waiting," he announces as he sets his breakfast down.

"Security has decreased. I'd guess they'll be all but gone this time next month," Dario offers as he shovels another bite in his mouth. "Not that I've been checking," he says in between chews.

As much as I want to give them the green light, it's too soon. Six months is nothing to this kind of investigation. Reading over Agent Rivers' file cemented it. He's a damn bloodhound and I want a solid buffer between us. He'll be watching whether we see him or not. "Our focus needs to be Hamilton," I command, despite the silent protests on my brothers' faces. Patience will see us through this drought.

"Not to stir the pot even more," Jax starts. I can already feel the headache building at the base of my skull and I can't help but rub at the phantom itch at my neck as he continues. "I've done some digging. Perhaps Hamilton needs more, direct pressure to loosen his grip."

"What are you suggesting?" Kace leans forward, his fists clenching at his knees.

"Would you all stop looking at me like this? I'm not a monster," he says as he takes in our tense expressions.

That point is debatable, both before and after what he did for Calista. Still, a monster is better to fight with than against and I'd like to keep him on our side.

"Hitting his money hasn't hurt him. He has a family. Think their money is clean?"

"Are you suggesting we hit the whole Hamilton family until they give in," I clarify.

"What I'm suggesting is that none of them get too comfortable that their money and their reputations remain untouched. I'm open to suggestions on methodology," he leans back and sips from his tea cup.

A year ago, I wouldn't even contemplate what he's suggesting. I had morals and hope that this would be resolved with a simple conversation. Hamilton Sr. had laughed in my face while taking everything from me when I was at my lowest. So, I died and became the ghost haunting his family's legacy.

A lot has changed in the past year, for both my brothers and me. This has evolved past my family's legacy being stolen. A life for all of us is within reach. Kace was right all those months ago when he urged me not to get attached to a life we could never have. It's time we end this. I'm tired of being a ghost. 

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