Chapter 20- Dario

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I need space to work. Not too much though. I mean cuddle piles are one of my favorite things, but breathing over my shoulder when you don't even understand what you're looking at is too much.

"She's fine. He's fine. Everyone is fine and will continue to be so, as long as I can focus on my work," I say along with the deep breath I blow out. "Seriously. Give me some caffeine and I will let you know when things happen. Swear," I throw up a pinky to the two anxious men hovering.

"I trust you. And Jax," Riggs sighs. "It's just...Callie. Did we ask too much?" It's jarring to hear him so unsure of himself, his decisions. This is the same man we'd follow to hell and back. I don't doubt for a minute that he made the best decision possible when he asked for her help. He'd never put her in more danger than she could handle.

"She can handle it. The woman we left isn't the same one we came back to," Kace reassures him.

"Think you could try saying something like that to her face next time? Might have her giving you less shit," I suggest.

"Fuck off," he scoffs.

My eyes track each window I have pulled up, waiting for the moment when she twists her bracelet to let Jax know to move. It was the best solution we had and serves multiple purposes. He can't loiter there all day, no matter what excuse we give him and it doubles as a tracking device. Doubtful that we'll need it, but we'd rather not be caught off guard again. Jax was the best choice for this part of the plan since blends in almost everywhere.

Well, he can when he's not being himself.

I'm more useful behind a computer screen and the other two are basically southern lady catnip and too close to home to be out and about. Kace is playing with fire already. I think his older sister Kaitlyn suspects, but I'm still looking into it. Don't want to poke that bear if it's still sleeping.

I've done plenty to execute this flawlessly. Moving such a large amount of money takes time and a million different moving parts all doing exactly what they're supposed to do with a few clicks. Especially when we don't plan on keeping it. Taking that much would bring down a world of hurt. All we want is for him to sweat. Realize that we're being generous, this time.

If I'm being honest this has gone on much longer than any of us anticipated, Riggs especially. Despite all that we've been through, he still wants to believe that people will do the right thing when presented with the option, even if he'd never admit it. It's there in every furrow of his brow and grit of his teeth, every time he cooks one of his grandmother's recipes and tilts his head up like she's looking down at him. After all this time, I think he's finally realized that some people won't change until they're forced to.

"It's go time," I announce, taking a quick sip from the fresh can of liquid energy. "You can stay as long as you don't say or ask anything stupid."

"Done," Riggs says, pulling Kace down with him. I can feel them behind me, sitting on the edge of my bed awkwardly like two kids after prom. I chuckle as a bit as I picture Kace in a prom dress, shaking my head to dispel the image so I can get to work.

He hasn't checked his balance like I thought he might, so I'm clear there. No unexpected stops for coffee or lunch that I needed to make sure cleared. His wife is a little trickier. She has a bad habit of online shopping so I've been tracking her closely. She's already spent more than what our girl makes in a month. It's disgusting seeing how the other half lives. No activity for the past thirty minutes though and I have not seen any activity to suggest that'll change in the next hour.

All my ducks are in a row, a neat little account set up in the Caymans under so many different shells that eventually lead back to Mr. Hamilton if they shuffle them around to find them. But by then, the money will be back in both of their accounts. I just want him to panic, questioning which of the numerous people he's taken advantage of or made an enemy out of made a move against him.

Jaxson adjust the time on his watch, the signal I was waiting for as it pops up on my screen, and I let the chaos ensue.

All I can do now is wait while I monitor numerous different agencies. "What's happening," Kace demands.

For someone who was telling me he believes in her, he's just as worried as the rest of us. "Everything is fine. Stop panicking. It's distracting," I sigh. There it is. The police have been notified. Jaxson will let me know if he needs help.

My own nerves are close to the surface, buzzing like a live wire. For once, my mind is quiet focused on the screen and the dispatch notes. I'm not surprised they went directly to the chief instead of calling in an emergency. Wouldn't want something this big on record. They might be quick at erasing the traces of the call, but I'm faster. Every keystroke is mine to witness as they try and figure out how to handle this quickly and quietly. The detectives sent out are going to be a bit of a problem. The female detective is green. Freshly promoted and eager to prove herself, she'll likely follow her partner's lead. The man however has a record, a long one. I'm almost impressed how many departments have passed him around like a blunt in rotation before he ended up here in Gremory. Likes to skirt the rules a bit too much, coercing confessions, and intimidating witnesses. No concrete proof of it of course, but it's there if you look between the lines.

Wiping the sweat on my hands on my shorts, I don't dare look at my brothers. They're already nervous enough. I hope I don't have to call, but I might have to if things go left.

Jaxson's call comes right on schedule, give or take a few minutes. We figured he'd be interviewed and luckily our detectives don't wear body cams. "Wish I had been able to record Hamilton's face." I can her the smug grin his voice. It's in the little chuff as he speaks. "She's nervous, but she will do alright. I don't like the detective though. He's a prick and his partner is spineless so no help there. They'll probably call her in soon. I'll grab lunch nearby before I head back." In case she needs him, he doesn't bother adding.

"Update Rossi."

I sigh, anticipating their reactions. "Jax is out and she's most likely being interviewed."

"She'll be fine," Riggs mutters, mostly to himself and he rubs the skin around his nails absently. "She never spilled a word about us before. We have to trust she won't again."

I look everywhere but their eyes. I'm a terrible liar, part of why I usually am first out on poker night. Pinned under their watchful gazes, I'll crack. If they know I'm worried about her, I can't be certain they wouldn't let Jaxson know. He's feral enough about her that I could run a million different programs and none of them would be able to figure out what he'll do if he thought she was in any real harm.

Keeping a watch on Hamilton and his associates as they scramble for answers, my eyes keep drifting to the clock. It's been far too long. Callie or Jaxson should have sent word. A text, call, smoke signal or owl; I'd take any of them if I'm honest.

"I know you're gonna be mad, but just sit quietly while I make this call." I tune out their questions and dial up the number I've had for a year just in case and put it on speaker.

"I don't have a car, so if it's about my extended warranty you're ten years too late."

I smile as I see where Callie got some of her bite from. "You don't know me, but Callie does," I start and am cut off.

"If you're calling to threaten my niece I will bury you where even the cadaver dogs would fail to find you."

"Jesus," Kace whispers to Riggs behind me.

"She needs a lawyer. I-She needs you to send Miller. At work. I can't tell you more than that, but trust that I have her best interests at heart."

"Fine, but you and your friends better treat her right," she says before hanging up the phone.

"How the hell-" Kace looks dumbfounded, but I know better. You don't become a poker champion without being insightful to people's body language. I doubt there's a single thing Callie could hide from that woman.

"I'm impressed and terrified. Reminds me of Gran," Riggs says wistfully.

"Let's hope he's as good as his record suggests," I say as I get to work shuffling the money around until his whole family feels the pain. It'll all be back this time tomorrow, but they need to really feel the pain and begin to sweat. 

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