Chapter 5- Dario

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The mood walking back to our car is sullen, bleak, nothing like the celebratory vibe I was dreaming of when Jax explained his plan to me. Maybe it was a bit naïve to think that after a year we could just pop up and sweep her off her feet, but it hasn't exactly been a year. At least to us. I didn't lie when I told her we had always been there for her. It had been difficult with Rivers and Vernon dropping by all the time, but we still managed. Targeting ads at her best friend to get her out of the house, food delivery when we could get away with it; we were there. Even if she couldn't see us, she was never alone. She had Nicole and Rachel making sure of that.

"Dragging her out of there would've been a bad move," Jax says as he throws the car in drive.

"Pretty much, yeah. Terrible move if we wanted her to talk to us, stay, really any of the above," I snark. I don't mean to snap, but I'm frustrated. Seeing her dance with Jax, our future was so close. Plus, I'm starting to get hangry. I was so fucking nervous all day, I barely picked at my food.

"FUCK!" He shouts, slamming his hand into the wheel before quickly righting himself into some semblance of calm. His eyes are filled with the same manic energy coursing through me. Watching him loose it, even for a second is all it takes to realize the depths of his feelings for her. I'm not ashamed to admit that I thought it was merely a passing infatuation, an obsession, and curiosity fed by her captivating personality. Her absence just let it all fester, but no. She's dug her nails into him and carved out a space that's all hers.

"Nicole, you know, her best friend," I point out at Jax's blank stare. "She would've made a scene if Callie just disappeared on her. This was the right call," I sigh once I think about it. Our plan was naïve at best. "Think a week will be enough?"

"It's more than I'm willing to offer so it will have to be," he grumbles. Well, as close as my stone-faced friend gets. He's pouting on the inside, I can tell. His mouth is set in such a firm line that it would cartoonish on anyone else. He's giving off the vibe that he's attempting pyrokinesis. More glower than pout if I think about it.

I'm pouting. This is a perfect pouting moment. I'm hungry, tired, and frustrated with myself, Jaxson, and if I'm honest Callie. I get it. She's upset and has every reason to be but so am I. I took a bullet for her. We killed a man for her. Letting her go for good? Not happening.

After driving in close to silence, Jax's classical station does not count as music, we pull into some 24-hour diner in the sketchiest part of town I've seen. It's no Waffle House, but it'll work. I'm surprised we stopped given Jaxson's preference for healthier fare, but I'm grateful either way. I need grease, carbs, and a touch of questionable food safety handling to satisfy the churning in my head and stomach.

Despite everything, our booth in the back is clean and the laminated menus are all one page. They know what they're good at and they stick to it. Our waitress looks as rundown as I feel and I commit to tipping double. She can't be too far off from my own age and her limp ponytail and pale, dry skin have me wondering about how much difference there really is between us. It seems like neither of us really gets to see the sun all too much, living on the fringes of society, rarely seen or heard. Perhaps I'm thinking too deep, wallowing in my own depressive thoughts, but it doesn't seem too far off from life in the bunker. Ghosts, Riggs calls us. Him and Kace more than anyone with their recognizable faces.

"What can I get you two started to drink?" She doesn't bother to pull out anything to take our order down. With only us and an older guy at counter finishing up, it's not like she'll get us confused for another table.

"Any chance you have an energy drink back there?" I give her my best pleading face. I'm talking big eyes, small pout, think cherub. Though my outfit has me looking like a cherub that joined a motorcycle gang. Not my usual style, but Jax said I had to fit in at the club. "I'm not picky on brand."

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