Chapter 35- Callie

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Dario is the first to start talking. He starts off quiet and slow, so unlike the easy-going joker I love and I encourage him with a small smile and nod. His voice picks up as he goes on, backtracking to add forgotten details about a show I doubt Riggs knows, but his borderline fanatical enthusiasm and lighthearted laughter might be exactly what Riggs needs.

Jaxson starts explaining the best methods for cleaning blood stains out of different surfaces like he's reading from a manual. His tone is so flat and even, it's oddly soothing. Not sure it's the best topic, but I appreciate the effort. I'm sure Riggs would feel the same way.

Kace leaves the room and I only notice his return when he starts strumming his guitar. The familiar notes of Hozier's Work Song easily recognizable even before Kace adds his voice. It feels like a private concert, hearing his voice up close without having to hide behind a wall. His voice bounces off the walls of the bunker and into my very bones.

The combination of the music and their voices seem to calm Riggs some as he straightens his legs and his breathing evens out. Between his relaxed state and the bravery having the three of them within arm's reach grants me, I scoot closer until I can whisper in his ear. These words of mine are his alone.

"You once told me I didn't have to be agreeable. I needed to hear that. It's what I had to do to survive. I have a feeling you know about that too," I sigh, petting the bed between our heads instead of trailing my fingers through the hair of his beard when I feel myself reaching out. "You don't have to pretend to be okay. None of us are. Pretty sure Jaxson's clinically not okay," I scoff.

"Haven't been officially diagnosed, Bambi," Pretty Boy chides with the name he only pulls out when I irritate him.

"Some therapist would make bank off all of us," I snort at the unintended pun. "Still, you're in good company," I tease as I run my hand over the pillow he's lying on, imagining it's his hair.

I learn forward to exclude Jaxson's super hearing and Dario's devoted attention. "The guys seem confident you will hate everything about this when you wake up. At the very least, I'll probably be deserving of a very through spanking. Sir."

The bed is quiet as the rest of the room the moment Riggs stops shaking, his muscles relaxing, and his eyes stop flitting about as he sinks into full rem sleep. The smile that overtakes my face at the sight has my cheeks aching. The dark bags under his eyes tell the truth about how much he's been struggling. I'd scold the others more for letting it get to this point, but I get it.

They wanted to respect his wishes. After what happened with me, he would've commanded them away. Too scared to risk their safety as well. They would have followed his orders.

Too bad I don't care about any of that. I know what it's like to be drowning and too afraid to drag those tossing the life raft down with you to cry for help. Riggs and I are alike like that.

"Baby girl," he groans in his sleep.

The guys stop talking and Kace puts down his guitar. "I'm here," I whisper as I move closer. I'm as close as I can get without crawling on top of him, but if he needs me closer, I will.

"Careful. He's still unconscious," Kace cautions.

"Clearly," I roll my eyes.

"Don't get bold because he's not awake to swat your ass Princess. I can count the infractions for him from over here."

"I think you two have it now," Jaxson tells us with a predatory grin.

"Let us know when he's up," Dario adds as he the door behind him, Jaxson leading the way.

"Teaming up on me now," I raise my brow.

Kace smirks at me from his spot by the foot of the bed. A million different images fill my mind at the idea.

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