Chapter 8- Kace

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She looks so much stronger than the day she left us. So pretty on her knees. Having my hands on her, even briefly after all this time is better than even my most detailed dreams. The heat and weight of her is something my imagination could never replicate perfectly.

         Despite how easily she submits to Riggs, I should expect the words coming from her mouth. They still manage to surprise me though. "No."

         "No?" Riggs parrots.

         "No Sir," she corrects as she swallows thickly. Even though only the back of her head is visible, the small smile in her voice is clear. A princess toying with her subjects. "I can't just vanish into the night with you. To do that to my family, my friends. Again? It would break them. Agent Rivers wouldn't buy my lies a second time. I highly doubt he bought them the first time, but at least he's left me alone for the most part."

         Riggs looks to us to get our opinions. I shrug, letting him make the final decision. I'll back whatever he decides. Jaxson swirls the choices around like a drink in a tumbler glass before he sighs and looks away, sulking. Dario already looks defeated, his shoulders slumped and his eyes averted from the two of them. His hands dig into the bag of chips he grabbed from the pantry as he settles on the edge of the ottoman, shoveling them in his mouth like it'll fill the Callie shaped void.

"Let me help you in the light," she implores him, resting her head in his hand. She leans in, still kneeling as she whispers something too low for the rest of us to hear in his ear.

He cups her face, stroking it reverently with his thumb. He stares down at her like he would burn the world for her if only she would ask. The smile that overtakes his face is one I rarely see anymore. A ghost of the boy I grew up with looks down at her and she soaks it all up and preens under its brilliance. He places a gentle kiss to her forehead and she closes her eyes. He grabs us all with his eyes alone and we all see the solemn promise lodged within their depths. Callie is ours and we won't be allowing her to forget it ever again. Whatever she whispered sealed her fate whether she intended it or not.

"Does this mean we're forgiven Callie Bear?" Dario asks hopefully.

"More like a probationary period Super Boy. Also, just no on the Callie Bear," she shakes her head at Dario's antics.

"I can work with that CC," he grins and goes back to snacking like she told him she would move in. Good. If I had to take another day of his moping around the bunker, I would've been the one on my knees begging her. That thought brings an uncomfortable realization that has me adjusting myself. Burying that one for the foreseeable future.

Scooping her off the ground, Riggs deposits her on his knee with a squeak and wraps a possessive arm around her middle. "Cupid, get our girl a burner. Pretty Boy, research. How's it coming? Rave, I want breach solid. Can it be done by deadline?" He issues orders and we all fall in line to update him on our progress. Even without our notes and tech, we've damn near memorized the plan. Callie's face is flushed, the pink color spreading over her neck and disappearing into her shirt. She squirms in Riggs' arms, trying to get comfortable. The smack comes out of nowhere and we all turn to look when it lands. Callie's squeal is raspy as she jumps, her lids heavy with lust. "Patience Baby Girl," he pats her thigh. "Daddy will take care of you once we're done."

Callie's eyes bounce from one end of the spectrum to the other. They widen to comic proportions as she comes to terms with Riggs' words. I stuff my chuckle down. He did his best to restrain himself before, but Callie's getting all of him now.

"You broke her," Dario pouts. "Give her here," he reaches for her but Riggs just tightens his grip. He sighs before handing over a burner fresh from his backpack.

"Mush. Not broken," she stutters out. "My brain is mush."

Fucking adorable is what she is. While she's recovering from the mental bulldozer that is Riggs Landry, I update him on our plans for Friday. The two of us will have to sit out, Dario will be holed up in his room making sure everything runs smoothly, and Jaxson will be there to capture everything in all its bitter glory. Hamilton's not going to know what hit him, well his family. Public humiliation is a hell of a motivator.

         "Need you to get away at least once this week. Some things can only be discussed at home," Riggs tells her.

         "Okay," she agrees easily. Suspiciously so. To go from anger to acquiescence all in the span of twenty minutes, yeah, I don't buy it. It's got to be the brain mush.

         "Princess," I call out to her. There it is, that fire in her eyes. Fighting with her is something I never expected to miss.

         "Not your Princess, Hulk," she bites.

         "I'll pick you up tomorrow night. Be ready at six."

         "Planning to dump me by the side of the road again?"

         Fair enough. If there was a grudge to be held, I'd be most deserving. "Touché," I dip my head. "Wasn't planning on it. Not this time. I was thinking that I owe you an apology and a coffee," I offer.

         She chews on her bottom lip in a nervous way that has me wanting to pull it out with my teeth. I hate the wary way her eyes look me over. Despite my laidback approach, I know I have a long road ahead of me to earn her forgiveness and if I'm lucky, a piece of her heart.

         "Sugar and cream?"

         "Drowning in it," I promise.

         "Okay," she agrees.

         "I do believe I promised to take care of you if you were patient Baby Girl," Riggs whispers as he brushes her hair over her shoulder. She shudders in anticipation, her back arching against his chest while the rest of us turn to watch the show.

I wouldn't call myself a voyeur exactly, but I know my brother and she's been so responsive with all of us. As if the universe, God, Fate, some higher power created her just for us.

Her brown eyes are glossed and heavy, her chest heaving as she takes us all in, watching her writhe on Riggs lap. All he's done is speak.

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