Chapter 24- Callie

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         The thwack of one of my blades imbedding itself in the wood beside my head has me reacting with an involuntary sharp inhale. I won't lie, that new mask is terrifying-ly arousing. I'm a little bit confused on where I fall on the spectrum of my feelings. Jax always seems to bring that out of me.

Counting down slowly, I try to bring my heartrate down. I can barely hear over its frantic pumping. Crunching footsteps inching closer signal the end of my time. No more strategizing, just action. I spring forward from my hiding spot as Jaxson howls behind me, his easygoing gait a distant memory as he hunts me down. As fast as I've become, he's faster. Zigging to his zagging only helps for so long. He's anticipating my movements, toying with me like a barn cat with a stubborn field mouse.

"Did you really think I'd let you win this game, sweet Bambi?"

Let? My hackles are up. No man lets me do anything. Not anymore. Jax might think he has me out classed, may think I'm defenseless, but I still have one blade left. I pulled it from my ankle strap between my socks when I heard him close. It's tucked into my palm, hidden from sight though still close at hand.

Judging by how close he sounds, I have seconds to decide. Flee or fight?

"Do you know how much I've dreamed of this moment? How hard I was when you pulled your knife on me at the club? Darling, I'm going to savor each moment I have you writhing beneath me," he says breezily. As if he were discussing something mundane like the weather or gas prices.

Spinning on my heel, I launch myself at him. Seeing his dark blue eyes widen in surprise is worth it as I try to catch my balance when he dodges out of the way. Despite his mouth being covered, I just know he's smiling by the twinkle in his eye and the way he bends his knees in a predatory crouch. I match his stance as we circle each other. "Don't know what to do when your prey bites back?" I snark.

"Oh, I know Pet. Hope you know what you're asking for," he purrs. He strikes, grabbing me by the ponytail and wrenching my neck back. Stumbling, I try to dig my feet in the mud, but I keep sliding and sinking further. He reaches for my elbows to pin my arms, but I'm ready this time, twisting my right arm back and pricking the skin at his waist with my blade. He chuckles as I feel the telltale point of one of my own blades against my spine held with same hand as my hair. "It appears we are at an impasse. Unless," he leans into the blade in his side and his blood wells around the wound, "you're not afraid of a little pain with your pleasure."

I'm frozen by the sight. I'm not into this. Am I? After everything Colt put me through, the way he would hurt me, get off on my tears and my pain, the way I begged, pleading with him to stop. This has to be some sick part of my brain that he created, rising up to haunt me with its sick sense of irony.

"Whatever put that lost look in your eye, I want you to imagine stabbing with your blade Bambi. It holds no power over you. Not anymore," he commands, his grip digging into my flesh, the pain anchoring me to the here and now.

My fist tightens around the handle and I push it a fraction deeper into his skin as he grits his teeth, his head resting against my shoulder as he sucks in a breath. All I can see out of the corner of my eye is his steel demon mask, the tusks looking sharp enough to pierce. To anyone else, this would be insane and maybe it is. Maybe we are. I see what he means it as, comfort and acceptance at the basest level. No judgement.

Even with me wrapped in his arms, my own knife poised to pierce my skin, I've never felt so safe. As much as I am his pet, he is my beast. I hold his leash just as firmly as he mine. If I asked, he would set me free in an instant. Instead, I want to see how far he'll push things.

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