Chapter 9- Callie

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My skin is on fire with anticipation. Their eyes on me ratchet up the tension already filling the room. Between God and Rave, my curiosity has come up with hundreds of scenarios over the past year. The wildest I got was Rave following God's orders on how to... play with me while the others were within earshot. Even that dream had me waking up in a puddle of sweat, my heart beating out of my chest, and a need for new panties.

         "Easy Baby Girl. I don't want you passing out before we even get started," he calms me with a hand gently stroking my arm. "They're not going to touch you. This is all about you this time. Your reward for being so good for me," he tells me.

         His thigh between my legs keeps rubbing me or maybe it's me, unable to sit still while he promises me pleasure beyond what I've been giving myself that has me all but mewling with want. My work skirt has ridden up to mid-thigh, complicit in exposing my needy state.

         "Ass up," he orders and I obey immediately as he trails his hands down to the waist of my skirt. With a solid nod at Rave, he pushes it over my hips and Rave grips the hem and pulls it all the way off before he retreats back to his place against the wall.

         "You won't need this to play with me," God explains as he pulls my blade from its thigh holster over my pantyhose. "Or these," he adds while he drags the blade down my leg, cutting the hose from my body. "Hold onto that, won't you?" He tosses the now holstered blade at Jaxson who catches it like it's something precious.

         "The games we could play later Pet," he sighs wistfully while he frees it to examine. "Such beautiful craftmanship. You'll have to share your supplier."

         "Are you planning to cut me? Make me bleed," I ask, leaning forward as Jaxson does the same. I feel bold, flirting with Jaxson while I sit on God and the others watch. Alive in a way that I'd been missing in their absence. God keeps a steady hand on me to keep me from falling, his hand lazily stroking my bare thigh, drifting close to wear I want him before trailing back down. A slow tease that I could die happily of.

         "I'd have you begging for it and giving it right back. I do so miss our little games Bambi. What kind of prey would you be now with all your training? I can't wait to play," he grins as I lick my lips, imagining the very image he's painting. "But alas, it's not our turn today. Be good for him and maybe we can run into each other later," he promises.

         God's fingers cup my chin, his palm resting on my neck as I swallow against the saliva pooling in my mouth. I wait for him to continue this show. "Ready for more?"

         I nod, shakily.

         "Words, Baby Girl. I always want your words and if that's not an option, taps. One for yes, two for no. Two taps and I stop, always. We'll reevaluate and move from there. Understand?"

         "Yes," I whisper.

         "Yes what?"

         I catch Dario's wink under my lashes, my head ducked down as I try to match this submissive version of myself on God's lap with the blade wielding badass I've been doing my best to become over the past year. I can't allow myself to just roll over and loose myself to another gorgeous man with sinful words and a body built by the devil himself. That subtle little reminder that I can be both from my sweet Cupid is exactly what I need.

         "Yes, Daddy."

         I don't have to look up to feel his smile, it's there in the loving way his fingers caress the sides of my face and the way his chest rises slowly as he exhales. I preen at the approval in his touch.

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