Chapter 13-Callie

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They've gone over the plan multiple times and I'm still as floored as I was the first time they told me and the part I'm expected to play. "And you all knew this was going to happen?" I look around at them nodding and try to pick my jaw off the floor. "I just found out this week. How?"

Dario raises his hand and I wave him on. "Been monitoring the whole family for quite some time now. I knew as soon as Hamilton's PA knew. Well, more like as soon as she emailed your branch president and followed it up with a phone call, but close enough," he explains easily.

"This is a terrible plan. I have the worst poker face," I start.

Four sets of eyes land on me with a mix of side eye, annoyance, and flat out mirth. "Okay, outside of an actual poker game," I acknowledge dismissively. "I can't lie. One time, I ruined a surprise party because the person asked me about my plans for that day and I froze before proceeding to blurt out some elaborate lie about being busy with my sister's wedding." I'm met with blank stares and Dario's permanently sympathetic face. "I'm an only child!" My chest is heaving, my hands keep shaking, and none of them are listening as I try to explain, again, why this is a terrible idea.

"It will be fine Calista. Your part is small, but integral to this going well. We can still go ahead without you, but it wouldn't be as smooth. I want you in with us," God, Riggs assures me. It's still so weird to wrap my brain around. I grew up hearing stories about this big football star in town and how he gave up a scholarship to go to University of Texas to join the army with his best friend after his career was ended by a football injury. Didn't scare away the military recruiters though. Knowing now that best friend was, is Kace. The world is truly small. My white knights.

"You know this means Agent Rivers is going to show back up with that creep Vernon." I can't hide the shiver that runs through me at the reminder of that slime of a man. He gives me the ick and there's nothing I can do to avoid it. I tried layers, loose clothes, nothing. He still ogles me.

"We already told you. We have a plan for the agents. Including Vernon," Kace says darkly.

"I'm still not happy that you're all keeping me in the dark about that part of the plan," I seethe.

"You said it yourself Princess," Kace smirks and I want to knock it off his face. "You're a terrible liar." With a brick.

"I think this would all go better if we could go back to the part where you sat there all grumbly and muttering under your breath."

"Face it Brownie, you're just afraid you might actually have to acknowledge you have feelings other than loathing for me."

"Are y'all still a package deal if he's benched? Because I'm getting the feeling he's not a team player," I ask.

He booms out a laugh. "You hear this shit Riggs? She thinks I'm not a team player." He drags himself closer until I can taste the coffee on his breath. "I excel at being a team player. Would you like to find out?" He pulls a strand of my loose hair and twirls it around his finger before giving it a sharp tug that has me hissing in more than just pain. He merely chuckles as he backs off, satisfied with my reaction. Ass.

"Knock it off, you two," Riggs barks. "Lord give me strength," he mutters. "Are you in or not Baby Girl? I need to know."

It hasn't even been a week and here they are, upending my life once again. At least they're asking permission this time, sort of. I promised to help them in the light. Friday afternoon under the bank's fluorescents is about as light as it gets.

"I guess I'm in," I throw up my hands with a shaky smile.

"You sure about this? We won't be upset if you back out," Riggs reassures me.

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