Chapter 18- Callie

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"Mr. Hamilton, I must urge you refrain from bringing up the," her face screws up in distaste as she searches for the right wording, "incident last year," the woman with him suggests strongly.

"Forgive her," he tells me. "Mrs. Wells is always looking after my best interests," he dips his head familiarly like we're sharing a secret. It's hard to wrap my mind around this man being the same one who had my bosses running around in fear for their jobs and the guys out for blood. Still, I know all too well how someone can show the world one face and hide another behind closed doors.

I merely nod politely and plaster on my customer service smile, having no clue what to say in this awkward moment. The back of my neck is sweating and I barely resist the urge to wipe it away. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like to make a withdrawal if you don't mind. A hundred dollars should do it."

"That shouldn't be a problem. Do you have your id with you sir and do you have a preference on the denominations of the bills?"

It feels silly asking for his id, but James was adamant that we do this by the book so I do it anyway. Either he had a professional take his headshot and slap it on or the man just doesn't take a bad photo. After quickly scanning over the details, I pass his id back and begin typing in his information. His account is locked.

"James," I wave him over. "I'll need you to override so that I can't help Mr. Hamilton with his accounts."

As he quickly types in his passcode he explains the necessity to Mr. Hamilton who just nods, humming agreements when needed. It's a bit like a parent listening intently as their toddler babbles a very important nonsense story. I stifle a snort at the visual. Mr. Hamilton's eyes twinkle as he notices my amusement.

James backs away reluctantly and rejoins Mr. Hamilton's associates. His eyes stare daggers in me from over Hamilton's shoulders and I duck my head to the screen to avoid his pointed scrutiny.

My hands hover the keys as I read the screen once, twice, and third time. Each time the balance remains the same, twenty-five dollars and once cent. I must've made a mistake somewhere. I double check to make sure I have the right Mr. Hamilton despite the evidence pointing out that I do. "Could I see your id again sir?"

He hands it over again, but that easy going smile starts to slip from his face. It doesn't travel all the way up to his eyes anymore. "Is there a problem Ms. Danvers?"

"It's probably just a mistake on my part," I stammer out. "I must have pulled up the wrong Damien Hamilton," I explain as I frantically look over the details and find they match. Every. Single. One.

"James," my voice breaks as I widen my eyes at him and he comes racing over, all but shoving me out of the way when he sees the same thing I do.

"No, no, no," he hisses under his breath as he types and retypes in Mr. Hamilton's accounts.

"Is there a problem." It's no longer a question, but a demand for answers as Mr. Hamilton's previously jovial face turns flinty and hard as he takes in the panic on James and I's face.

Nicole has turned my way and is trying to gather information through eyebrows and mouthed questions. All I can give her is wide eyes and shakes. I have no idea what is going on and I'm currently having an internal freak out playing out across my face. Damn them for not filling me in on the full plan.

"Um, there seems to be an issue with," I start to explain before James cuts me off.

"I'm sure it's just some error in the system," James grits out between his teeth while his eyes promise retribution if I finish that sentence.

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