Chapter 14- Jaxson

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         "Never have I ever," I pause, ensuring I have their absolute attention. Callie is stewing over her next question and I wait patiently for her look up and relax her scrunched face. Half-truths are the only way she'll make it through Friday. Amazing that this is the same woman who hustled us at poker a year ago. Her face is clear to read as a large print book, in bold.

"Before we starve to death," Kace urges.

I drag my gaze over his way and blink slowly. I will not be rushed for anyone. "Never have I ever played a video game," I say and wait for the others to fall.

"Ever? Like not even at a friend's house? A sleepover?" Callie asks for clarification, stunned as most are in this modern day and age of technology easily accessible with the download of an app.

"Why would I want to sleep somewhere else when I had a perfectly good, clean bed at home?" I ask focusing on the most egregious of her questions. At least I could ensure the cleanliness standards of my own home, even as a child.

"Don't bother. I tried," Dario laments. "The closest I got was when Wordle was popular and he stood over my shoulder shaking his head in disgust or disappointment."

"Both. For someone who spends so much time on the internet with exceptional amounts of knowledge at his fingertips, your lack of the expanses of the English language is appalling."

"Says the man who has yet to experience the joy of beating a high score."

"Does Wordle even count as a video game? Seems like a very loose definition," Callie points out.

"Barely," he admits. "But it's the only time I saw him close to cracking. I started to guess the most unlikely words just to see if I could get him to snap and take over," he grins fondly. "You should have seen his face when I used 'luffa' to kick off my game for a week straight. Was pretty sure he was going to strangle me in my sleep," he laughs.

I can still remember the restraint it took not to. My suggestions for replacements went unheard. "It was a waste of letters," I defend myself. "The likelihood of there being two f's was drastically low and you had wasted a guess."

"I bet you were the kind of kid who read the dictionary for fun," she says.

Any answer will just lead to more ribbing at my expense so I say nothing and take a sip of my drink.

"Oh my god, you were!" She shrieks. "I knew it," she squeals with mirth and my lips tip up in some semblance of a smile at her unrestrained joy over something so simple. It's so pure.

"Never have I ever," Kace starts and his eyes light on Dario and I before he continues proudly, "stalked anyone."

Callie looks between the three of us and keeps her fingers up. A shared glance passes before D and I drop one each.

"Who the hell-"

Really, she shouldn't be surprised. We had Dario watching for practical reasons of course. Surveillance on both her and those around her for months was necessary to know when we could return. Abandoning my Pet was something I wasn't willing to do. Even if she didn't know I was there. I like to think she felt me every time she sped up on her little runs, looking around with her eyes wide and her breath coming out in little gasps.

"When and how often?" Her narrowed eyes and carefully measured tone dismiss me before focusing on Dario who all but shrinks under her scrutiny. Wise to go for the perceived weaker target. He has some guilt about the act while she'll find none with me. I won't repent an act I would gladly make a thousand times over.

"Orders, Callie Babe," he offers as a defense.

"I figured," she scoffs. "How much did you see?"

"Enough." We all saw a bit, but Dario knows more than all of us and only saw fit to let us know when things were really wrong and needed our interference. Watching him twist and pull at his hair, drowning himself in caffeine and sugar, and avoiding sleep like Freddy Krueger was lying in wait was painful. None of us are eager to dive back into those memories.

"Your turn," she says, ignoring his response or just putting it on the back burner. She's not the type to just drop something bothering her, instead she lets it simmer until it's ready to serve piping hot.

A grin lights up his face and he's all but bouncing in his seat like a small child. "Never have I ever had a threesome."

Callie sits up in her seat, back straight and eyes on a swivel as she waits for someone to drop a finger. "Seriously Super Boy? But all that stuff you said about sharing," she trails off as she remembers her audience. She coughs and looks away, not seeing when Kace discreetly drops a finger. I send a wink his way and he rolls his eyes at my antics. I can only guess our illustrious leader played a part. The two were practically separated at birth although I've been told it was a property fence since they grew up next to each other, the families having been neighbors for generations.

"Dinner's ready," Riggs leans out and calls.

Kace jumps up and gathers the empty bottles before running away to the kitchen. Coward.

"Who lit his ass on fire?" She laughs deep and full and it warms something in my chest. Hearing it over Dario's computer isn't the same as in person.

Riggs and Kace enter, arms laden with plates that we gladly take. The food is more than palatable as usual. Riggs' cooking normally is. Once we're all mostly done, she brings up the reminder that her presence here is temporary.

"So, which of you is driving me home?" She goes to move a hair behind her ear before realizing it's in a ponytail. Another little habit that proves she's one of us. Dario and Riggs do too when they're frazzled.

"I'm out of the running Pet, but I'll be seeing you again soon enough. No need to worry about that." I lean over her tiny body pressed into her seat, caressing a hand over her slightly elevated pulse. A touch more pressure and she sucks in a stuttered breath. Time, alas is never on our side. "You still owe me a night. I even cleaned my coffin, just for you."

"How the fuck do you still remember that? Little black book?" Dario exclaims. "You've been out and about too much Kace. I've already had to scrub your face twice this week," he sighs. Fatigue is weighing on his shoulders, but he's doing his best to hide it from Bambi's bright brown eyes. "I'll go."

The others know he's right and don't argue. "I guess I'll see you later," she looks around at all of us, her hands fidgeting at her sides before she gives us an awkward wave and heads toward the door.

She still has to wait for Dario to input the code and I watch her back as she hunches in on herself, her face likely beet red, and I can't help but shake my head at the adorable stray we managed to claim. I wait for the door to close completely behind them before wheeling on my brother.

"So, about that threesome," I start.

"Don't remind me," Kace groans.

"You didn't bring up that old story, did you Nightingale?" Riggs implores his best friend.

"Nightingale? Please consider me a riveted audience for that story," I widen my eyes in my best imitation of our techy brother.

"God, please don't make that face. Whatever it's supposed to be, I can guarantee it is not that," Kace shivers in mock horror.

I smooth out my facial features to their neutral places. "Better?"

"Still creepy, but your normal level I guess."

"This story," I prompt.

"Fine, but this doesn't leave the bunker," Kace starts. "And brothers only," he adds at whatever he sees on my face.

"Fine," I acquiesce easily. It's not as though our little Bambi won't find out herself soon enough. I can't wait to see the look on her innocent little face when our plan comes to fruition. We made sure to leave the details out. Plausible deniability. Only the best for our girl.

"Alright, so Riggs and I were on leave...."

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