Chapter 19- Callie

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         "So, I can leave right? I'm not being held here against my will or anything," Jaxson eventually asks with a bit of a retail chuckle. It's the same one every cashier makes after someone makes the same lame joke they've heard a million times and it was barely funny the first time.

"If you could stay for just a little while, I'd greatly appreciate it. It shouldn't take too long. Can I get you a coffee or perhaps a water Mr.?" He trails off, fishing for a last name.

"Kennedy. Jason Kennedy," Jaxson supplies, shaking Mr. Hughes' hand and smiling easily.

I'm careful to mask my surprise. I don't know why I'm surprised he gave a false name. Everything about him right now is nothing like the Jaxson I know. He's normal. It's off-putting, like seeing Ms. Rachel or Blippy at the bar drinking and partying like some ordinary adult. Doesn't belong.

"Mr. Kennedy, I apologize for everything you had to witness. Was Nate able to get you all sorted out?"

"Yeah, no problems at all. I hope you get whatever all that was about fixed," he replies.

I tune them out. Nothing is being discussed that affects me and clearly, we don't know each other so I need to pay a little less attention to the handsome customer before Nicole starts noticing he looks an awful lot like the hot guy from the café.

Leaning my hip into the counter I turn back to Nicole with a sigh. "We are definitely hitting Dusty's after work."

"Babes that was a given. And I know, I know you can't tell me anything. But if you happen to take a sip of your drink when I'm close, I won't be mad at you."

"As long as you're buying," I answer after leaving her in suspense for a few seconds longer.

She rolls her eyes. "Let's just try to just get through today first. I swear working with you is never a dull day."

The doors never get locked, but with security standing awfully close to the door, no one leaves and no one really comes by. Until they do.

I try my best to control my reaction. Really, I do. I know it's not the same. Colt is long dead and gone. I'm stronger now than I once was. At least I think I am. Still, my body remembers the fear when the uniforms walk in, hands on the belts and eyes assessing the room. Sweat beads form on the back of neck and my heart beat is thundering in my chest, despite hearing each one in my head like a metronome.

My eyes meet up with Jaxson's and I take a deep breath, remembering all I have survived. My heart returns to normal. I can do this. After all, the guys kept me in the dark about what they did for this exact purpose.

One by one we get called into Mr. Hughes' office with the officers. The customers go first, though I feel a bit bad for the woman who was meeting about a loan. All she heard was yelling and now she's being questioned by police. Jaxson's next and he leaves after without a backwards glance. Then it's time for us tellers. Lucky me. When Nicole gives me the mockingjay salute, I bust out laughing as I head in.

"Something funny Ms. Danvers?"

I snap to attention at the censure in his tone. An average looking man wearing badge and business casual clothes awaits me. His partner, a woman dressed much the same, though she looks less annoyed and more curious. Mr. Hughes is all but wringing his hands by the door as he escorts me in.

I know all about this song and dance having been through it only a year ago. This man and his partner hold very little power, here to get the initial report before it's passed on to the appropriate agency. In this case, federal.

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