Chapter 16- Callie

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Work passes by on autopilot. Trying to not be suspicious just makes me paranoid, so I keep my head ducked down and try to make as little waves as possible. Basically, I pretend like I'm still underneath Sharon's wrathful supervision. Nicole calls me out on my quiet behavior and I wave her off, telling her we'll talk tomorrow at poker night. Rachel hasn't let me skip a week unless I'm on death door. At least I have a shift at the shelter to look forward to.

Barks and meows, whines and whimpers, and the unmistakable smell of wet dog buried under layers of all-natural citrus cleaners greet me when I walk into the Gremory Animal Shelter. "Oh, thank god," Vicky exclaims with a sigh of relief when she sees my face. "Can you go help out with the seniors? Moose is having a day and won't let anyone near him. Already scratched one of the day shift volunteers," she huffed. "But he needs a good brushing before he mats. Please and thank you," she trails off as she wanders down one of the many aisles of cages, her clothes rumpled and covered in various shades of fur.

"No problem," I said mostly to myself. For someone so small, she moves so fast. Making my way to the feline room, I dip my head in and find it relatively calm. There's a few litters of kittens as always, but half seem to be dozing. Moose is aptly named. As best we can tell, he's mostly Maine Coon. It's the only thing that would explain the size, but he's mixed with something else because his decreased amount of fluff doesn't send me halfway into anaphylactic shock. Still, I dosed myself up on allergy meds before I came.

His disgruntled graying face stares me down through the metal bars. He's still a pretty, chocolatey brown despite the tuffs of gray trying their best to show his age. We estimate somewhere in the double digits, but it really depends on the day what age he shows us. A bit of a curmudgeon at first, he's really sweet and cuddly once he warms up to you. If he decides he likes you. Thankfully, I have made the short list. I've thought about adopting him a time or two, once my life settles down. If it settles down. With the guys back in my life, who knows when that'll be.

"Hey handsome," I coo. His tail flicks the cage as he watches me with his suspicious gaze. I cast my eyes side to side before returning to him. "Don't tell the others, alright?" He brushes his body against the side and waits for my fingers to scratch right above his tail as he bends down to make it easier to reach. After a few moments, I open his cage and let him out so that I can begin trying to brush out his tangles. I sneak him some of the treats he's been pawing at in my pocket and love on him despite the itch in my nose and the tickle in my throat.

My time at the shelter ends a few hours later. With some last-minute smooches from Moose and cuddles with the kittens, I wave goodnight to a harried looking Vicky and head back to my apartment.

Flopping down on my bed, I look over at the burner on my nightstand. Nothing. Dario told me they'd be staying mostly radio silent, but I can't help holding out hope.


I'm in a much better mood today and surprise Nicole with a coffee I picked up on the way in.

"Thanks bestie," she quips before side eyeing me suspiciously. "What's the occasion?"

"Can't I just do something sweet for my best friend?" I ask breezily as I put up my purse and jacket.

"You should and often," she rolls her eyes, "but there's more going on here." She waves her hand in a circle, gesturing at me. "You're not a morning person, but you were up early enough to get us both coffee? Yeah, I call bs. What's his name?"

"Moose. He's geriatric, likes tuna, and dislikes most people," I deadpan.

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll have back up tonight," she grins, rubbing her hands together like some old school villain tying a lady up on the train tracks.

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