Chapter 26- Callie

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I need water, coffee, and a steaming hot shower. Not too particular about the order. As I climb out of bed and my body aches with the reminders of the various activities I pushed it though, I add pain relievers to the list. Running for fun and running from masked men throwing knives and pinning you to the ground to have their wicked way with you are not the same thing as my lungs were quick to point out yesterday. I barely remember getting out of the woods, let alone getting home. Yesterday's bag is tucked into the corner of my room and my blades have been cleaned and laid out on my dresser. A quick glimpse out of my bedroom window and I can see my car safely in the parking lot. If I had to wager, I'd bet Jax drove me home and one of the others picked him up. Either way, I'm grateful for it. I doubt I could've driven myself home after the workout Jaxson put me through.

With no real plans for today other than catching up on some reality tv and maybe doing a quick grocery run, I'm in no real rush to get much of anything done. I take my time with an everything shower exfoliating and shaving until my body is as smooth as a slip and slide, not because I have any plans for anyone to be noticing, but it's always better to be prepared. Nothing kills the mood like a pube in the teeth, at least that's what Nicole always says. I shiver at the mental image.

Comfortably dressed in a cute creamy coffee-colored loungewear set, I wait like a zombie for my coffee to finish brewing as I down a cool glass of water. It's not the caffeine I'm patiently craving, but it helps. I'll be honest, I only bought this set so that I could get away with wearing sweats in public without looking like a bum. No makeup, but I did do my skincare routine without having to set an alarm. It's only three or four steps, but I still give myself credit for being bothered to remember. My hair on the other hand, more effort than I have in me. I'll pull some face framing strands down if I end up leaving the house, but for now it's wrapped up on top of my head in a messy bun. Heavy on the mess.

The sound of the Tardis whirring alerts me to the increasingly frantic messages that have accumulated while I was dick drunk and asleep. I'm not surprised by Nicole's threat to break down my door if I don't respond soon. Aunt Rachel just wants to know that I'm alive and safe. Her text makes me feel a bit guilty for falling into sin with Jaxson and forgetting the world outside of the one he cocooned me in. Still, I don't regret a thing. I wish there was a way to ask about him without using my emergency phone, but I doubt there's emojis for 'don't let my name get infected. You know the one I carved into you in the middle of the woods without antiseptic or even a band aid'. Yeah, for some strange inexplicable reason, there's no way to translate that in even the thousands of tiny pictures available.

The rough pounding on my door has me downing a sip of my coffee and groaning. I had just sat down and getting back up from where the cushions had started to mold around me is the worst. The caffeine hasn't even had time to do its job yet. "I'm coming! Geez," I holler at the door. Honestly, I love my best friend, but I desperately need a full-on rot and self-care day. It's what I deserve after letting her drag me out on Friday and my legs are in full agreement. Pretty sure they would go on strike if I tried to be productive. It's only as I open the door with my fuzzy cow slippers on and a bralette under my slouchy top that I remember it's Monday and my bestie is at work. Curse my cheap apartment for not installing doorbell cameras.

The harsh smell of grease and salt assault my nose and it nose scrunches before I can fix my face into a polite smile. "Miss Danvers, always a pleasure," Agent Vernon purrs in what he must think is a charming voice if the slimy smile and the way his eyes trail over my outfit are any indication. Pulling my top up to cover my shoulders, I take his offered hand out of reflex before I discreetly wipe it against my pants with a duck of my head. I look around him as best as I can for his partner. Grateful for his appearance isn't the right sentiment, but I'd much rather the pair of them on my doorstep than Vernon alone. I'm certain I could handle him, but I'd rather not add assault of a federal officer to my long list of problems.

"Would you like some coffee? Water?" I offer while I open the door. Mentally, I'm trying to figure out the best way to get Mr. Miller here despite my southern manners kicking in like a backup generator. The determined set of Agent Rivers shoulders has me positive I'll need his expertise. Before, Rivers had looked at me as a victim who had been hiding her own secrets. Now he looks at me with distrust and suspicion. It's written clearly in the way his eyes roam over my tiny apartment for anything out of place.

"I'm alright. Thanks," he says at the same time his partner asks for a coffee. "Cream and sugar sweetheart," he adds even as Rivers cuts him a side-eye. I dip my head politely and escape to the kitchen. It's not much of a separation with it looking out into the living room, but it helps to give me a chance to catch my breath as I move through the motions of making Agent Vernon a cup. My hands are shaking as I pour in the creamer and sugar and I have to set them down before I make a mess all over the counter. Summoning every ounce of the woman who carved her name into Jaxson's flesh in the middle of the woods is what pushes me to straighten my spine and push all of my panic into a tiny little box and nail it shut, not to be disturbed until these men leave.

"Here you go," I hand off the mug to Vernon as Rivers stands adjusting his charcoal grey blazer. He could honestly do without it with the weather outside, but I understand the urge. Its his armor as much as my smile is mine. Shrewd hazel eyes take in every inch of me, as if he can see the very thoughts running screaming around my head like a giant billboard plastered with the words 'he knows' in flashing neon. Picking up my own forgotten mug and taking a sip gives me a moment to come up with a plan.

"Ms. Danvers," he inclines his head before taking a seat and I take my own. It takes everything in me to look relaxed and not fidget. I mean, it's hard to be taken seriously with your crossed legs anxiously bouncing and the fluffy cow slippers giving the unserious appearance of cows frolicking in a perfectly green pasture straight out of a milk commercial for the best free-range cow's milk straight from the hills of Switzerland. Needless to say, my anxious brain is full of dream scenarios that have me anywhere but here.

"Yes? I take it you're not here for a social call."

"I'm afraid not. Two robberies in such a short time span has to be quite the ordeal. You can understand why I'd be asked to speak with you again given that you were present for both instances." Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his face is the perfect image of a patient, understanding law enforcement officer. Next to Vernon's image of a bumbling, disgusting overexertion of authority, I can see why they work well together. Callie Wallace would've wanted to trust him. Too bad for him, she's dead and buried. Ashes in the wind.

Vernon snorts at his partners words. "You wouldn't know anything about that, now would you?" Narrow eyes trail over my face and I keep my spine straight even if his gaze feels like a snail sliding over my skin.

"Honestly I should really think about quitting because clearly lady luck is not on my side. If I bought a lottery ticket, I'd probably end up owing money at this point."

Vernon laughs with his whole body, belly jiggling and slapping at his knee. Rivers leans back in his seat, steepling his fingers together. His eyes remain fixed, not on my words, but on the way I move as I speak. I've always known he was a shrewd observer, but this just cements it. He reminds me so much of God, Riggs I mentally correct myself. Even without a mask on, I couldn't get a read on him and the intricate plans his mind was constantly running through.

Rivers has the same intelligence brimming in his eyes and knowing I barely escaped his scrutiny last time, I need to harness every ounce of deception I harnessed living under Colt's thumb. Time to lie like my life and my guys' depends on it. 

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