Chapter 29- Callie

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         Work is awkward to say the least. I've checked my pits as discreetly as a person can to make sure I haven't skipped deodorant before I realize Nate isn't avoiding me because of something simple like that. No. It would be easier than the truth. Him and some of the others keep trying to dodge me because apparently, my bad luck is contagious or something. Mr. Hughes ping pongs between doing anything and everything in his power to keep me happy and my lawyer away, and blaming me for the whole fiasco. Only it's with his eyes and barely concealed sneers. It's exhausting, made worse by the break room's switch back to powdered creamer. That stuff is inhumane and there is no amount of sugar packets than can cover the chalky taste of a clump that refuses to dissolve.

Nicole as always, is the only bright spot of my day. She all but called out the rest of the staff for acting like children afraid of cooties. I could have kissed her and the allergies are definitely the cause behind my red puffy eyes. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

My burner phone has been silent. Checking it every morning and night hasn't changed the lack of messages. I'd even be grateful to see Kace's big ugly face. Just to have a reminder that they haven't abandoned me again. I don't think I can go through that again. Not if they want to remain a part of my life. I meant what I said about refusing to live my life on pause in the hopes that they could be a part of it. I already did that once and I won't do that again for any man. Even the four, three of them. Kace may have spilled some of his secrets, but it doesn't erase the fact that he's done nothing to earn a place in my heart or my bed. Lies, my heart tries to remind me, thinking of the way he punched Jaxson in the bunker when he thought the worst. He barely knew me then and was ready to go to war against his brother. Still. I need more than basic decency and it seems to only come out through his fists. That's the last thing I need or want from a man.

"Care to share with the class?" Behind the lollipop mic in front of me waits my bestie. The lobby is quiet and Nate isn't paying any attention. I sigh at the thought of trying to explain the clusterfuck I find myself in.

"Hypothetically only," I hedge.

"I know nothing," she swears.

"Bitch session later? I don't really want to get into it right now," I glance over at Hughes' office. He's been cooped up in there most of the day, but the last thing I need is to spark his ire again.

"Fair. My place or yours?"

"Mine?" I offer. I really just want to sink into my couch, take my bra off, and just rot. Taking an additional day off isn't sounding as bad as it had yesterday, but I'm already back now. Doubt Hughes would buy emotional distress as an excuse. "This is a conversation for pajamas and wine."

"I'll pick up food. Box or bottle?"

"Would you judge me if I said box? I don't want to have to deal with a corkscrew," I admit.

"Babe I was thinking screw top, but I've got you," she laughs. "Box of wine and Mr. Chopsticks. Should be there by six thirty. I'll pack an overnight bag just in case," she winks.

"Have I mentioned that I love you today?"

"Yes, but a girl never tires of being appreciated," she preens before leaning in and hitting me with her perfectly sculpted eyebrows raised and her mouth pulled in. "Seriously Cals, you've been through a lot of shit and don't ask for much. Like at all. You're allowed to ask for help. And this kind of stuff? Yeah, this is my time to shine."

I throw my arms around her neck before my allergies attack me again and she pats my back gently as I tuck my face against her chest.

"She okay?" Nate asks reluctantly.

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