Chapter 36- Callie

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         Waking up wet and hot should be reserved for sick days. Waking up wet, hot, and smothered sounds like something that you can order at Waffle House. Waking up wet, hot, smothered and disoriented sounds like the premise of yet another Hangover sequel.

Instead it's my Friday. Saturday? Depending on what time it is, it could be either. Either way, when the warm, strong arms pull me back into a hard, lightly fur covered chest, I let myself relax. I lean into the kisses that nuzzle along my collarbone and up my neck.

"Mmm," I moan as hands trail up my ribcage. This is the best wakeup ever, but I need a shower and the bathroom. Desperately.

And then we need to talk. I've put it off as long as I can, but seeing how close they are to being discovered has made it an urgent matter. Kaitlyn and the rest of Kace's family is literally across the fence. We're probably half underneath them and their farm if the old moonshine running rumors of their families are to be believed.

Considering where we currently are and the labyrinth of tunnels that end in dead ends and some collapsed paths, it's looking closer to true. I'm sure the main entrance isn't the only one.

"I've got to get up," I whine. "And we both need a shower. Probably should throw the sheets in the wash too," I mention absently. Do they even have a washer down here? I never even thought to ask because they seem so normal down here, but it's still an underground bunker.

"We have a washer, Princess. Might be a little primitive for your tastes, but it handles what we need it to just fine. Pedal powered," Kace adds at my confused face.

My face is more due to the fact that he's scrubbing a hand at his face and stretching his delicious arms over his head from his spot in the chair in the corner. His shirt raises and exposes a thin line of skin. My eyes are instantly drawn to the trail of dark hair that disappears into his jeans. The hungry way Kace licks his lips makes it clear I wasn't as subtle as I thought. His guitar leaning beside him makes me pretty sure he spent the night.

Watching over us, I smile. Something changed between us. If pressed, I don't think I could name a single thing, but it's in the air between us. He's less defensive. I don't expect a complete personality transplant. That would probably throw me on edge faster than anything. It feels like his barbs are just little less pointed. Paintballs instead of hollow points I guess. They can still hurt if they hit a vulnerable spot, but they're not trying to kill me.

"I'll just-" I crawl out of Riggs' embrace and make my way awkwardly toward the door. "Bathroom," I explain hastily as I duck out to ease my screaming bladder.

I can hear the two of them chuckling behind me as I escape. I relieve myself and make my way back to the living room to locate my bag. It's by the door where Kace left it when we came in. I find what I need and take it back with me to the shower. I didn't bring too much with me, just some bathroom essentials and a few changes of clothes. I wasn't sure what the plan was. Never am with these four.

After quick shower where I make sure to eliminate any stubble that may have creeped up since my last shaving session, I take a brush to my hair and tame the tangles that are sure to form if I just leave it up to air drying and a prayer. I could throw it up into a ponytail or messy bun, but I'm feeling a little daring and Nicole's told me before that it looks good down and I should do it more often. For once, I take her advice.

I don't too much to my face. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard or anything too out of my regular routine. I just make sure to wash my face and use moisturizer. I fill in my brows too, but that's all. Okay, maybe a bit of concealer under my eyes and a hint of lip tint, but really that's it. Most guys can't tell the difference, except that they think this is how we naturally wake up. They're wrong, but I'll take it. Rachel says as long as you don't forget to love the face you have without it, there's nothing wrong with painting our faces. Wise words from a wise woman.

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