Chapter 37- Callie

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Every conceivable way to stall this conversation has been used. Riggs cooked for us all after his shower. If I thought I could eat another bite to buy me more time I would. As it stands, I'll end up bursting at the seams like an over fluffed teddy bear. No one needs to see that so I guess I'm out of excuses.

Lucky me.

At least they're patient with me. I've been told to sit down and handed a glass of freshly made sun tea that Kace made earlier. Trust that I was just as surprised as anyone to hear that. I figured all the comfort food was Riggs' territory. Still the sweet drink brings a twisted heartfelt smile to my face. It tastes just like home, the way my mom used to make during summer breaks.

I miss her terribly, but I know she's at peace now. It's for the best, I think bitterly, that she's not here to see the woman I've become. She would've pushed me to marry Colt in some misguided sense of caring. It's what everyone would have expected of me. It was also one of the only ways I resisted against him. I think even as beat down as I was, I knew marriage to him would be a death sentence.

I'll forever be grateful for my aunt offering me a way out if I was brave enough to take it. I believe she reminded me that we Danvers women weren't weak. That's why she chose the name after all. Named us after a strong female superhero. Captain Marvel or Ms. Marvel, depending on your age. I'm just glad it wasn't something completely wild. Danvers blends in a lot easier than Prince. Calista Prince is cool, but I'm no Wonder Woman.

Kace leans against the living room wall like he's one of the pillars holding it up. It's held up through the power of arches mostly, but the point still stands.

Jaxson is in his chair, swirling something clear around in his glass and a predatory laziness that reminds me of one of the big cats in the savannah, patiently stalking. Honestly those two words describe him most times.

Dario is as close as he can be without being in my lap, but if I gave him the slightest inkling that I'd be okay with it, that's where he would be. Physical touch is clearly his love language. I'm tempted to pull him close to distract my hands in his soft curls while I speak. Riggs has taken a seat beside me, his body turned toward mine and relaxed while he rolls the contents of the toddy I made him around in his mug. The same mug I used for him the first time they had me. I get now why Jaxson was laughing. 'Best Daddy Ever' was a little too on the nose.

"We've got a couple things we'd like to bring to light for you Calista, but I got the sense you had some things to tell us as well. Ladies first," Riggs says and lets me have the room.

I all but yank Dario by the shoulders to my lap and start massaging his head. The rest of the guys laugh at the way Dario stumbles while trying his best not to crush me. The way he was sitting, leaning almost all his weight on one arm made it easier to maneuverer him since he just kind of toppled into my lap. His deep sigh and shimmy as he gets comfortable makes it easier to speak since he takes the attention off me.

I reach into the back pocket of my jeans for the piece of paper, jostling Dario's head around like a soccer ball in the process. I'm glad I remembered to transfer it after my shower otherwise this would be even more awkward. I can't help but look over at Kace, because this affects him most of all. I've gotten bits and pieces of their story so far. Enough to know they're not the bad guys they appear. Still, others are like a mad lib puzzle and the wrong answer changes so much.

"So... your sister stopped by the bank this week," I start.

"Told you so!" Dario adds before moving my hand back where it was rubbing at the base of his skull. "Kaitlyn or Monroe? My bet's on Kaitlyn. At least from the stories I've heard," he jabbers before realizing the Kace and Riggs aren't as happy about this news.

"The plot thickens," Jaxson narrates, taking a large gulp of his drink and settling in for a show. I swear he's like a coliseum spectator itching for first blood. All he needs is a turkey leg or a bowl of popcorn.

Riggs keeps darting glances between Kace and I. Kace however, hasn't said a thing. His face is a complete blank so I rush on before he erupts as he tends to when it comes to me and...anything really.

"She's really nice," I quickly defend. "Or I think she would be if she didn't come rushing in like a jilted ex. Nicole, you know my best friend, the one I kind of threw myself at you for, she body blocked for me because we weren't sure of her intentions." I let out a stilted laugh. "It's wild. End up a hostage one time and so many crazies come out of the woodwork to talk to you," I ramble anxiously.

They weren't around to see how bad it got. Though with what I know now about the cameras, perhaps they were. If it was worse than what I was subjected to, maybe I should be grateful they were watching over me. I was probably protected from the worst of it. All of those sudden invites by Rachel and Nicole? How random were they really?

Dario gently reminding me to keep running my fingers through his hair helps to get my quickly derailing train of thought back on track.

"Anyway, she was careful not to say too much because cameras and all that, but wanted me to call her to talk about our mutual friends." I give them all a pointed look. "You guys obviously, but I didn't say anything to confirm. I didn't just get you all back just for y'all to end up in jail somewhere," I shrug. "Plus I was pretty sure she was related because of the last name and the whole 'wow y'all really look alike thing' her and Kace have going on. I haven't called her yet. Figured that deserved a discussion first because I get the impression you haven't talked in a hot minute," I tilt my head to encompass the whole bunker. "Kind of puts a damper on family dinners."

Dario snorts while Kace's lips tilt up in amusement he tries his best to tamp down.

"You and your sister are intense people," I tell him.

"Intense," Kace laughs. It's like the word was the key to unlock all his feelings about everything I've said. It's hard to watch. He laughs in a way that feels intrusive to watch. Like he wants to cry, but has been told to suck it up too many times and so his tears come out in chuckles that make you cringe and flinch to watch. I hate it for him and want to hug him. He'd probably brush me off, but I still want to comfort him regardless.

"That's a word for it," he wipes at tears we all pretend not to see him wipe away. "Kait's always been like that."

"No kidding. Remember that time she caught us trying to sneak back in junior year? After that horrendous bonfire where the we had to help pull some of the idiots stuck out of the mud," Riggs laughs. It's the most carefree I've seen him.

"Whoever planned that was an idiot. Fresh rain in a low-level lake bed. Out of sight from the cops, but muddy as all hell. She kept quiet. Reminded us to clear the mud off the Jeep and throw our clothes in the wash. But at what cost," Kace reminisces.

"You might have had to handle both of y'all's farm chores, but I had to handle mine and then head of and handle the other half of her's too. Before school started. I have never craved sleep so much in my life. Before or since," Riggs sighs.

"And this is the sister who knows?" I ask, wondering why they're so chill about all this. It's been years. People change. Why are they not as panicked about this as they should be? I've been driving myself crazy over the last few days with this information and they're laughing it up like it's no big deal. A small hiccup.

They are wanted men. Not just city-wide. Bigger than county. Could have stopped at state which is bad enough. No one wants to have to deal with the Rangers. But no, they've got federal attention.

I have federal attention.

I am a law-abiding citizen. Sort of. I was a law-abiding citizen till I met them. Now I'm an accomplice. And a murderer.

Can't forget that one. 

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