Chapter 30- Callie

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Kaitlyn Walker.

Nine digits. Bells area code. The paper had felt like it was burning a hole in my pocket the rest of my shift, but it's not much better looking up at me from my nightstand. It's not like it can hurt me, but it feels like it.

Emojis don't really cover this either, but I do my best. Pretty sure Kace's sister tracking me down at work constitutes an emergency. A brief search of her name gave me her social media. The smiling picture of her, Kace, and who I'm guessing is their younger sister all but confirmed it.

I don't think I'm panicking, but I feel like I should be. Despite how much they crossover and how we met, things with the guys and the bunker feel so removed from my life in the daylight. Katelyn is real with a face and a name and she never hid who she was when she walked right in like she belonged. It could be a coincidence, but nothing is that random. If she could figure it out, what is stopping Rivers or Vernon. Or Hamilton.

I damn near jump out of my skin when the burner beeps with a message. Two icons. I can't help but smile even as I roll my eyes. I stop and breathe just like it orders me to. I guess the sheer number of exclamation marks might have ruined the calm, cool, and collected vibe I was going for. At least I waited till I got home to freak out. It gives me a chance to get my story together before Nicole interrogates me. And she will. I'm pretty sure the only reason she didn't earlier is because the last thing Hughes needs is proof that I'm a problem at work. He'd love to fire me. Then he can go on with his life, pretending bad things don't happen in Gremory. Too bad for him, trouble is everywhere.

I'm being silly. It's not as if the paper itself is going to jump up and attack me. At worst, I pick it up and give myself a papercut and that would just feel like the universe telling me to quit being a chicken. She looked determined, but not angry. I think she really is just worried, but I can't talk to her without talking to them first.

My frustrated screams are muffled with my face buried in my pillow. Still, it helps to loosen some of the tightness in my chest. Weak punches help too. It's not my pillow's fault I feel stuck after all.

Another beep. Another emoji puzzle. Looking at the two icons doesn't stump me this time. The message is pretty clear. Hug. Bed.

Oh hell no. The images don't change and there's only one way he could possibly know. He could guess, but even they're not that good.

They wouldn't.

They couldn't.

Every denial I try to explain away falls flat. They definitely would, can, and almost positively have. Stop and breathe he told me. I hope those boys are prepared to deal with what they signed up for. I can't even be certain where they have cameras besides my room. Would they decide my bathroom was a step too far? I think some of them would. Most of them probably. Jaxson would just tell me to accept it because it was already done and he didn't regret it. Oddly enough, his lack of shame would make it easier to accept. The others would at least know they did something wrong.

Out of sight and out of mind is my mantra of the day. I will deal with the problems I can see and with no clue where to even start looking for the cameras, I put them to the side. I need to clean up before Nicole comes over and change into comfy clothes. Telling my bestie that it's a pajama night means that's what we better be wearing. If I just so happen to make sure it's a cute matching set and that I do a tasteful strip tease while I put it on, who would know? At least my peeping toms will get some blue balls for their trouble.

Opening the door when I get a text from Nicole reveals her juggling full arms of wine and takeout. I grab the box and bags before she heads back downstairs. "I can help!" I yell at her retreating backside. She waves me off as she disappears behind a flight.

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