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I'm awoken by a dropping feeling in my stomach. For a moment I started to panic, not remembering where I was or why I felt like I was falling. It took me a second to realize the plane was landing.

"You alright?" asked Celine.

She was looking at me with an easy smile, the one she always had on her face. It gave me an immediate sense of comfort as usual. Celine had been my best friend since we were born due to our mom's being close friends as well. From a young age, we had loved to make music. She sang and I would strum nonsense on my toy ukelele along with her. Now, years later, she was the lead singer of our band and I was the guitarist. Funny how fate works.

"Yeah, I'm good, just recovering from a deep sleep." I smiled back.

She nodded her head and went back to trying to get her phone to load any notifications she missed while we were flying. We finally touched down in Tokyo, we were headed to an awards show that we would be performing at since we were also nominated. I sat up on the couch that I had been previously napping on and started to gather my things. My other band mates, Zoe and Blake, started doing the same.

"How long was I out?" I asked nobody in particular.

"4 hours" Blake giggled.

Blake was our drummer. Me and Celine met her in high school during a rehersal for a talent show we were all participating in. Shortly after she introduced us to her cousin, Zoe, who was a year ahead of us and played the bass. Not long after we formed our band together, and the rest was history. I finished getting my stuff together and started for the stairs out of our private jet. The girls followed behind as we made our way through the airport. We had to take a secret route through the airport considering the fans and paparazzi were just waiting to pounce. As much as I love what we do, I must say the lack of privacy and normalcy is a bit annoying. Another attendant had already taken our bags to the limo so we could hop right in when we exited the building. As the doors opened, I was met with bright flashes and yells of my name. I smiled and waved but quickly made my way to the car, for I was exhausted and ready to get to the hotel.

"I will never get used to those bright ass lights" Zoe complained, rubbing her eyes.

"Diddo" I agreed.

The rest of the ride to the hotel was nice. I'd been to Tokyo many times before, sure, but that doesn't mean I'll ever get tired of the city. The tall buildings and bustling streets were always my favorite type of environment to be in. Me and the girls listened to music and drank some complimentary champagne while gossiping and giggling. It's moments like this that I cherish. We aren't big stars anymore; we were just 4 high school friends living our lives together.

The limousine came to a halt and the bodyguards opened the doors for us. I got out and looked up, and my lips began to curve upwards into a big smile at the sight. The hotel was beautiful. With so many floors you couldn't see the top from where you're standing. The hotel assistance had already brought our things up so that all we had left to do was check in and go to our room.

"I'll check in, you guys just go ahead up." Celine spoke.

"You sure? I don't mind doing it." I replied.

"Nah, it's cool. Just go make sure everything is in one piece... they were being a little rough with the stuff." She answered.

I nodded my head and started towards the elevator. Zoe and Blake were nowhere to be seen, probably already exploring the hotel. Those 2 just loved to party. I got to our floor and dialed a number on my phone. I needed to call our manager to make sure the rest of our equipment arrived safely to the awards venue. After getting confirmation that everything was alright, I walked to the end of the hall. We were on one of the top floors, and there was only 2 rooms on our level since both of them were the size of a large apartment. We'd be in Tokyo for a week since there was a lot going on. I gazed at the door across from ours. I wonder who'd be staying there...?

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