Happy (NSFW)

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The rest of the day everyone pretty much did their own thing. I ended up exploring the rest of the house, spending a little too much time in the arcade. It had everything, from Mortal Kombat to PacMan. I felt like a little kid again.

Sometime around 4, Gustav came to find me so he could ask for extra help with cooking dinner. I agreed, I loved cooking and it was really fun working with him. We turned on some music and began preparing a large meal. We decided to make tacos and a salad bar, along with some cookies for desert. 

"So where is everyone, anyway?" I asked him, while chopping some fresh veggies.

"Uhhh, Bill went to the store to get some more snacks and drinks. Tom and Georg are in the studio working on some new riffs. I have no clue where the girls are, last time I saw them they were getting in the sauna."

"Huh.." I said to myself.

I barely saw Tom today, but he was probably busy working on music. I wanted him to have some fun with his friends today. We had plenty of time to be with each other anyway. 

"So... I heard that Danica is in town?" Gustav said. "We don't have to talk about it by the way! If it makes you uncomfortable..." 

I giggled at his concern. "It's okay Gustav, don't feel bad. Yeah... she's here. As long as she doesn't pull some shit I'll be fine."

"You should kick her ass!" he joked.

Honestly, if she tries something with me or Tom, I will. We continued to cook, I started on the cookies while Gustav finished up seasoning the taco meat. Suddenly, Mr. Brightside came on. I just couldn't resist. I began to sing along, using a wooden spoon as a microphone. Gustav joined in.


Just then, Tom and Georg walked into the kitchen. 

"What the hell is all that noise?" Georg complained. "We can hear it from the studio!"

Me and Gus froze, then looked at each other. We immediately started busting out laughing. The two guys looked at us like we were insane as I collected myself and went back to working on the cookies.

"Watcha making?" Tom asked, walking over to hug me from behind.

"Tacos, and cookies." I said to him, rolling the dough into small balls.

"Sounds good." he replied, making sure to hump me a few times before letting go.

I rolled my eyes at his immaturity, but I couldn't help but giggle. Tom and Georg surprisingly helped with the rest of the cooking. Tom helped me finish with the cookies while Georg started on the dishes. By the time Bill and the girls were back, dinner was ready. 

"I got ice cream!" Bill exclaimed.

He began unbagging the groceries and he made sure to get something for everybody. It was really sweet of him.

"And... for Georg I got extra strong toilet paper! You'll need it after tonight." he laughed.

Georg flipped him off after setting the table. 

We ate dinner pretty quickly, talking about our day and making some plans for later on in the week. This time, Blake and Zoe did dishes. The rest of us sat around the living room, lounging on the large couches and chairs. That's when Celine got an idea.

"Hey, why don't we play a game? I think I saw Truth or Drink laying around somewhere..." she said, getting up to look for it in the large game cabinet under the TV.

"Count us in!" Zoe said over the rushing water of the kitchen sink.

Everyone agreed, we didn't have anything else better to do. 

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