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The first thing I felt was pain. The burning, white hot pain. It engulfed my brain, feeling like I was being hacked in the head with an axe. I groaned.

The next thing to return to me was my vision. It was still a bit blurry, and everything was dark. I could tell that I was on the floor. I think it was the floor of my basement? That's when I noticed a tall figure, standing a few feet away from me. He was tall and strong, wearing all black and a mask.

I gathered pretty quickly that there was no escape. I was tied up by my hands and legs, and I think I felt blood dripping from my head.

"Aw, you poor thing.." the man taunted, taking a few steps closer to me.

My blood ran cold. Brady. My ex. My no- good, two timing, cheating, abusive ex.

I tried to speak, but there was a gag in my mouth. All that came out were muffled cries.

"So talkative..." he chuckled, taking off his mask.

He leaned down, placing a kiss on my bleeding forehead. I jerked away from him as best as I could.

"Slow down there, girly..." he spoke slowly. He seemed to be enjoying this.

"Sorry about that head injury, you took quite the tumble down the basement stairs." he smirked.

My brows furrowed as I looked at him, glare so strong I swear I could shoot lasers. He really was batshit crazy. How did he even find me? I moved to an isolated house just to get away from him, why was he here? And what was he going to do to me? These thoughts raced through my head as the pit in my stomach grew.

Tom. I was never going to see Tom again. Bile began to rise in my throat as the dire situation settled into my brain. Was this really my fate? Was my life just a game?

"Take a deep breath, baby. I'm not going to hurt you... not yet." Brady said, stroking pieces of my matted hair out of my face.

I seethed at his touch, feeling immediately sick. He chuckled a bit before removing the gag from my mouth. There was no point in screaming, I knew that. There were no houses near mine for miles, and the chances of a passerby hearing me from the basement were near 0. I decided to get answers.

"How did you find me?" I gasped. I could taste blood in my mouth.

"Simple, you're little friend here found out everything I needed to know." he motioned to the right of him, and I looked over.

I saw Danica tied up as well, still knocked out. She was beaten bloody. I no longer felt any anger or disgust towards her, just pity. If only she knew what getting involved with him was going to result in. I wasn't surprised she was able to find my house, the girl had lot's of connections.

"Did you do that to her?" I asked my evil ex, already knowing the answer.

"Indeed I did.." he smirked. "My best work, no? It probably reminds you of what I used to do to you, doesn't it sweetheart?"

I wish he would stop with the pet names, it was still making me cringe and I was about to die.

"What are you going to do to us?" I questioned further.

He sighed. "So many questions, and yet none of them are good ones. How about you ask me how I've been? Tell me how much you missed me? I sure missed you..."

He moved closer and I spat in his face. The satisfaction of what I'd done was short lived, for he punched me in return. I felt my lip split open, this was bringing back bad memories.

"I guess, since I love you so, I'll tell you what my plan is. On one condition..." he trailed off.

"What." I asked, voice laced in venom.

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