I'm sorry.

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Did I mention how much I hate taking photos?

I was on the gala carpet, being bombarded with flashes.

"Hey! Look over here!"

"Beautiful, just let me get a couple more shots."

"Hug him! Kiss him!"

The photographers were like seagulls chirping the same generic requests at me just so they could get the best shot. I was wearing a long cocktail dress, deep red in color. It was velvet material with a slit down the side. I wore a pair of Louboutins to match, along with a velvet handbag. My hair was half up, half down, with ornate crystal hair pieces that were also dark red. The only fun part about this was dressing up. The girls and I must've taken a million pictures together, and even more with random people who just wanted to be spotted by our side.

Luckily it only took an hour, because most people were in a rush to get to the after party. It was being held at a huge manor a couple blocks away from the venue. Apparently, Alice Cooper paid for everything and really went all out. I can't lie, I was excited. My goal for tonight was to just have fun, focus on me and my girls. After this I was planning on laying low for awhile and taking a break out of the spotlight. My mental health really needed it.

"Holy shit." Zoe whispered in disbelief.

We all stepped out of the limo and gawked at the manor. I've seen hundreds of mansions and large buildings by now, but this one was magnificent. Fully decked out, it had a large brass gate and 3 fountains just in the front yard. The manor stood tall with columns and arches. It was grey in color with black roofing and accents. You could totally tell Alice Cooper picked the place. I loved it.

"Who the hell needs 3 fucking fountains?!" exclaimed Blake as we walked up the large stairs to the front double doors. 

The were huge, complete with old door knockers with the little faces on them. We were let in by the security at the front and somehow my jaw dropped even further. We were greeted by a room the size of two skating rinks combined. The floor was marble, with 2 marble staircases on the sides of the room. There was a large chandelier dangling in the center of the floor. People were everywhere. Laughing, dancing, drinking, and gossiping. My lips curved into a smile as I navigated my way through the crowd, hand interlinked with Celine's.

"This is fucking amazing!" I yelled to her.

"I know!?" she replied.

Zoe and Blake were already long gone, I think they spotted some band they wanted to talk to. I wasted no time getting a glass of champagne and dancing with Celine. The music was immaculate and so was the alcohol. My cheeks were hurting from how hard I was smiling. Me and Celine danced and danced until we were out of breath, it reminded me of prom.

"Hey!" a man's voice called.

We turned to find Georg and Bill coming towards us. I leapt at Bill and hugged him, already feeling the alcohol in my system kicking in fast. He laughed and patted me on the head. Georg and Celine started talking and eventually walked off. It was just me and Bill now. 

"You did awesome tonight Bill! I loved the hair. Oh, and congratulations!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you! You too. You really killed it tonight." he said.

I took his hand and lead him closer to the edge of the crowd so we could hear each other better. We began having light conversation, and it was nice. I was going to miss his laugh and the way his smile lit up the room. By this point Zoe, Blake, and Gustav had made their way over and joined in on the conversation. I was so caught up in the moment that I almost didn't notice Tom making his way over. He was wearing a dark red dress shirt, with the top button undone. Crisp black dress pants, and black vans. His outfit had a charm to it, in his own way I suppose. He was coincidentally color coordinating with me. I felt my stomach sink when I made eye contact with him.

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