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A/N: sorry for the late upload! had a terrible headache yesterday, so today will be a double upload!


The next few weeks were amazing. Everyday we did something fun together, and Tom & I grew closer. Unfortunately, we had to leave soon since the boys had a tour coming up. It made me kinda sad because I've gotten so used to being with Tom everyday. He made me promise to come with him to as many shows as I could, and I agreed. 

Today, however, was also Tom and Bill's birthday. Me and Gustav woke up extra early to bake a big cake for them. We hid it in the fridge when they woke up and I was going to finish icing it later, we needed to distract them first since it was a surprise.

"Happy Birthday!" I exclaimed as Tom & Bill walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks" they said in unison. 

I walked over to Tom and gave him a kiss. He hugged me in response.

"Where's my birthday kiss..." Bill pouted.

I glanced over at Gustav, signaling him to start the distraction.

"Hey guys... why don't we um... go do something today? To celebrate!" he said to the 2 boys.

They both shrugged in agreement. Within the next hour, all 4 of the guys were out of the house and heading to go bowling and get lunch. Perfect, that should keep them busy for awhile. I texted Gus and told him to make sure they take as long as possible, and to let me know when they were on the way home. I sat my phone onto the counter and went to wake up Celine. I knocked on her door and she groaned in response.

"Hey... oh my god are you okay?" I gasped.

She looked horrible. Her eye bags were a deep purple and the color from her lips were gone. She had her light brown hair pulled into a messy ponytail. 

She huffed. "No I'm not. Does it look that bad?"

"Are you not feeling well?" I urged, rushing over to her side on the bed.

"I've been puking my guts out since 3 in the morning.." she sighed.

Weird. Celine never usually got sick, she always had a great immune system. It must be something she ate or drank. Food poisoning? But that doesn't sound right either...

"Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come with me to get the rest of the decorations for tonight, but I think you should just stay here and rest." I replied.

"No, no it's fine I can come. I need to get medicine anyway." she spoke groggily.

"Are you sure? I can just get it for you..." I said.

"No, I need to get up and out of the house anyway. Might make me feel better." she sighed again.

I gave her a few pats on the head and told her to come meet me in the kitchen when she was ready. I wasn't going to invite Zoe & Blake. The last time they were involved with birthday balloons... lets just say it didn't end very well. 

Celine was ready to go pretty quickly, so we hopped in the car and drove to get some Starbucks before spending the rest of the day shopping.

"Okay. We need icing, candles, balloons, streamers, gift bags, party hats, and confetti cannons!" I listed, taking a sip of my frappuccino.

"And medicine.." Celine breathed.

She didn't look much better from this morning, but she said the nausea was starting to go away. I gave her a sympathetic look as I turned into the parking lot of the party store. We found everything we needed there besides icing and medicine. We'd probably need to go to the grocery store for that.

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