Crazy Idea

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It was now 10 AM. I had woken up an hour ago but I was too comfortable to move. Tom had been holding onto me for god only knows how long. I wasn't complaining, I loved how warm he was. He smelled like fresh laundry, too. 

Unfortunately, I had to get up, and also wake him up. We needed to start packing our things and getting ready to leave. I also needed to run the Cancun plan by the other girls. I can't just sign us all up to run to another country for who knows how long without asking first. I turned over in Tom's arms and kissed him on the tip of his nose. I always loved his nose, it was perfect.

"Tom? You need to wake up now.." I whispered, kissing his nose until he opened his eyes.

He smiled when he saw me, and it made me feel warm. I slowly crawled out of his arms, not wanting to leave him just yet. He grabbed me back into his arms and I plopped on top of him with a giggle.

"Don't leave.." he mumbled.

"Tom, we have to get up. It's well past 10 and we have to leave soon."

He groaned, but ended up letting me go. I kissed him once more before I walked out of his room. Gustav was the only one awake. He was neatly folding everyone's laundry so that it would be ready to be thrown in suitcases. He was such a housewife sometimes, I loved it. I said good morning to him before walking over to my hotel room and waking the girls up. I knocked on each of their doors and told them we needed to start getting things together. I took a quick shower, still covered in Tom's touch. By the time I was out and dressed the girls were slowly, but surely, getting their things together and packed. I walked to the living room.

"Can you guys come here for a sec?" I yelled.

One by one they filed into the room. Celine was the only one who looked well rested. Zoe & Blake very obviously had a good night. I thought back to Bill's drunken stupor yesterday and smiled.

"I don't really know how to word this... but I've got a crazy idea." I began.

They all raised their eyebrows, waiting for me to continue.

"Thoughts on Cancun?"

The girls collectively dropped their jaws, looking around at one another.

"What?" Blake said in a confused voice.

"The boys are going to Cancun, and.... we've kinda been invited to go with them? Totally no pressure! It was just an idea..." I answered.

Celine laughed. "And you say I'm the one who always has crazy ideas."

The image of Tom sleeping next to me flashed in my mind. It didn't matter if they wanted to come or not, I knew that I was going to go no matter what. But, it would be nice to have them with me. They were my closest friends, and what better place to relax & discover new music than an exotic destination like Cancun? I looked down at my feet, waiting for them to finish telling me I'm crazy and that they aren't coming.

"Fuck it, why not?" said Zoe, scratching her butt and yawning.

Celine whipped her head around to look at Zoe, in pure disbelief she agreed to it so quickly.

"Well if she's in, I'm in. I was just going to go back to Germany after this. But Cancun sounds 10 times more exciting!" Blake responded.

Celine looked at all of us like we were crazy, but she eventually gave in.

"Fine, I'll come too. I guess it would be nice to stay with Georg for a little longer. But what about our belongings? We don't have enough clothes to last us 6 days, let alone all the way to Cancun?" 

Huh. I hadn't thought of that. 

"We could make a pitstop to Germany?" I suggested.

Zoe & Blake shrugged. Celine said she didn't care. So, that was the plan. We leave Tokyo today and head for Germany. We pack our stuff, load it back up onto the jet, and meet the guys in Cancun. Sounds exhausting, but we've had to do worse when it came to traveling.

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