The Mall

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TW: Minor drug use

"You guys ready?" I yelled.

Me and the girls decided to go to the mall today. The boys were going out to do their own thing, I wasn't really sure what. 

"I'll drive." I said, walking out the door with the girls behind me.

I started the car and turned on some music. The first song in the shuffle was Paper Planes. 

"I love this song!" Zoe yelled.

We drove with the sun roof down and singing all the way there. I laughed as Celine stuck her ahead out the window and screamed along the lyrics to the songs that played. It wasn't a long drive, only about 20 minutes or so. I parked the car and fixed my lip gloss in the mirror.

"I'm so excited, I haven't been shopping in such a long time!" Celine exclaimed.

To be honest, I hadn't either. It's tough going out places in the states or in Germany without getting immediately recognized. Since it was Mexico, we were banking on the fact that not many people would recognize us. And lucky for us, Blake spoke pretty fluent spanish. We walked into the mall and went straight to our favorite stores. The first stop was Victoria's Secret.

"Do you think Georg would like this?" Celine asked me.

"Yeah, it's really cute. But I think the red would look better on you." I replied.

I picked out some cute sets, mostly for Tom. I got a couple other more practical things as well. By the time we left that store we had already spent a fortune. Money wasn't a problem anyway. We hit a couple of other stores before we decided to go to the food court. When we sat down with our food we began talking.

"Hey, didn't you mention needing to make an appointment with the doctor?" Blake asked me.

Oh, right. I totally forgot. Tom had left a plan B on the bedside table for me this morning. I had made a mental note to call the doctor but I had completely forgot. 

"You going on the pill?" Zoe asked, mouth full of food.

"Yeah.. I think it's the best thing to do." I replied.

"I probably should, too." Celine chimed in.

"Please don't get pregnant guys... we still have so much left to do!" Blake cried.

"I wouldn't mind being an auntie." Zoe shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. Getting pregnant was the last thing I wanted right now. I'd love to have kids, especially with Tom, but I just wasn't ready yet.

We continued talking until we finished eating, then we continued our journey through the mall. We took a ton of pictures in the photo booths and ate free ice cream samples. I was having a lot of fun, I missed going out with the girls and doing normal stuff like this. My phone buzzed in my pocket while we were walking to the Juicy store. It was Tom texting me.

"Hey, having fun?" 

I smiled at my phone. It was nice of him to check on me.

"Yeah, lots. What about u?"

He replied in seconds. "I am too. We're at a trampoline park rn" 


I busted out laughing. I told the girls where they were at immediately. Only those 4 would be grown men at a trampoline park right now.

"I miss u, have fun!" I texted him before sliding my phone back into my pocket.

We were walking into the Juicy Couture store, and I loved juicy. We were in there for like an hour, just trying stuff on and just having fun. We walked out of the store with 20 bags combined, on top of the stuff we had already bought earlier. 

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