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When I got back to the hotel, the girls had already decided what we were doing for dinner. There was pillows and blankets all over the couch and also a huge fort in the middle of the living room, plus, pizza boxes stacked on the coffee table along with soda.

"I'm not even gonna ask.." I said as I walked to my room to shower and change.

"Hurry up! The foods gonna get cold!" Celine yelled after me.

I finished up as fast as I could, spending most of my time to blow dry my hair. I set up a spot on the couch with a ton of pillows and a big blanket with some pizza and a cup of soda. I felt like I was 13 at a sleepover, but it was also nostalgic, back to growing up with the girls. Blake and Zoe has settled under their fort. Me & Celine took the two ends of the large couch, and then, chaos ensued over what movie we would watch.

"We literally HAVE to watch the Swan Lake Barbie movie what the hell is wrong with you guys" said Zoe.

Me and Celine were on team horror binge (because you can't have pizza and pillows without it, duh.) but Zoe and Blake wanted to watch one of the many poorly animated Barbie movies.

"I know how to decide!" exclaimed Celine.

I could see the wheels in her head turning, and I also saw that gleam in her eye again. She was about to do something crazy and I could feel it. She took out her phone and tapped a couple times, then smiled at me. I went to ask what she's doing, but as if on queue there was a knock at the door. Celine got up to open in and in walked...

The boys.

It took me a second to register what she was getting at so I just sat there quietly and watched them file into the room with my mouth stuffed with pizza. Of course that's when Tom and I made eye contact. Are you fucking kidding me?

"The boys are going to stay for movie night! And as our guests, they'll decide what movie to watch" She said with a wide smile. Celine did this for 3 reasons. Sure, she wanted to decide what we were watching, but she also wanted Georg here to watch a movie with her and do only god  knows what with him on the couch. Gross. Not to mention she's convinced there is something going on between me and Tom. I wouldn't mind watching a movie with him though, so I didn't put up much of a fight.

"We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, don't drag them into our antics Celine." I started, "Let them get some rest"

"We don't mind!" said Bill, who honestly was just happy to be here.

Well, if they don't mind...and Tom's here...why not?

I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my soda, trying to play this off. In reality, I was so excited I was having trouble breathing. After what happened between us today, I've come to terms with my feelings for Tom. But he's not going to reciprocate those, I know that. We only have 3 days left in Tokyo, and each of those days is busy. I'll probably never see Tom again after this, or at least until I get the invite to Celine and Georg's future wedding. I was broken out of my sullen thoughts by a plop on the couch. I looked over to find none other than...Tom? He looked over at me and flicked his head up in a nod.

"Sup" he said.

I giggled a bit. "Hi."

He turned back towards the screen and I stared at his side profile for a second, enjoying his jawline. Man, he had the cutest nose. Georg had taken his seat at the other end of the couch with his feet kicked up and Celine laying on his chest. I wonder if they're finally a thing? Bill and Gustav were giggling in the pillow fort with Blake & Zoe. They were having a very one sided pillow fight; As in Gustav was getting attacked by the other 3. Poor Gus. Everyone was in their pjs and had pizza & blankets in their hands, except Tom, who said he was "too cool" and would be fine without one. It was nice actually, now I really felt 13 again. I had all my closest childhood friends by my side for the night, and it was a little emotional to be honest.

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