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A/N: if you wanna listen to it, start this song when they're in the car!

It's been 6 months since the incident occurred.

I've spent almost every day with Tom, whether it was music related or just to share each others' company. I decided to spend half my time with the boys on tour, and the other half living with Celine. She's now almost 7 months pregnant with a beautiful baby girl. We've continued to make music and release an album, just not tour. Zoe and Blake were absolutely ecstatic when they found out the news, and the boys seemed even happier. I had never seen Georg smile harder than when she told him the big news. Those two were so cute.

Today was Celine's baby shower. We had set everything up in the back yard of her & Georg's large home. There were tons of people, food, games, and music. The theme was pink & silver. Tom and I arrived together, sitting our gifts at the entrance before finding our friends and taking a seat at the table with them. There was a chorus of cheers and hellos.

"You guys made it!" Celine exclaimed, hugging me as best as she could with her huge stomach in the way.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled.

We continued to laugh and talk together. The guys were discussing how relieved they were that the tour was finally over. They could finally go back to their normal lives for a bit.

"I guess we'll have a new addition to our Cancun trip this time.." Gustav joked, pointing to Celine's tummy.

I smiled at the thought. I was super excited for Cancun this year, and even more so that I was going to be an auntie. I loved babies, and since I didn't have one of my own I'd love to take care of Celine's daughter whenever her and Georg wanted some alone time.

"Have you picked a name yet?" Bill asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Actually... we have." Georg began.

We all leaned forward, curious about what they decided on. They argued for months over which name to pick, and it drove everyone insane.

"Emilia Reed Listing" Celine said with a wide grin.

Bill, Zoe, Blake, and I all awed. The name was gorgeous, and I was surprised they didn't settle on a german name.

"Are you going to teach miss Emilia german?" Gustav questioned.

"If they don't, I will. I'll make sure she knows all the best german cuss words first!" Tom spoke.

I laughed and punched him in the shoulder. Knowing Tom, he probably would do that. Tom leaned over and kissed me on the cheek in response. I still got butterflies when he would do that. Georg noticed his parents arriving and all the guys got up to go say hello, it's been awhile since they had seen the Listings. It was now just me and the girls left alone at our table. Zoe took a sip of her rosé before speaking again.

"Did you find your ring?" she asked Celine.

Celine and Georg had tied the knot pretty soon after the news of her pregnancy broke. It was a quick private ceremony, with only us and a few close family members being in attendance. It was hectic to say the least. They had done it in the middle of the tour, around the holidays when they didn't have any shows for a couple weeks. Celine wanted to get it out of the way so she didn't have the baby weight on her in any photos. Georg was more than happy to marry her, and so he did. Unfortunately, Celine's ring got lost a couple weeks ago after she and I went furniture shopping for the nursery.

"No, but Georg went and bought me another one!" she answered, holding up her left hand.

Our mouths dropped in unison. The ring was huge, even bigger than the last one.

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