Seriously? (NSFW)

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The next morning, I couldn't remember anything from the night before. The last thing I recall happening was Bill making a toast, everything after that was a blur. Luckily, no headache this time. 

I turned my head to find Tom nuzzled into my hair, fast asleep. He looked so peaceful. I shifted a bit to get comfortable and that's when I felt something poke me in the back. It took me a second to put two and two together. But when I realized what it was, I started to laugh. I know he can't help it, but it was so cute it was funny. My stifled giggles must've woke him up, because Tom groaned and his eyes fluttered open. 

"...What are you laughing at?" he grumbled. His morning voice made something inside of me churn.

"Nothing!" I responded.

In the mood to fuck with him, I squeezed his erection. He jolted slightly and hissed. I liked how sensitive he was to my touch.

"Good morning to you, too.." I said playfully.

"I can't control what it does" he said, sounding slightly embarrassed.

I flipped over so that I was facing him and propped my head on my arm. He looked amazing for just waking up. The blanket was loosely draped over his lower stomach, slightly revealing his abs. That's when I got an idea. I climbed on top of him and smiled.

His face got red. "What are you doing?"

I let my actions speak for me instead. I kissed his nose, then his neck. He quietly whimpered, reaching for the small of my back to rub it. I started to kiss and lick down his chest and stomach, biting him lightly as I went. His breathing started to get heavier as I worked my way down to his waistband. I made sure to arch my back just right so he could get a full view of my ass. Tom didn't know what to focus on. His eyes kept flickering between my face and my arched back. I slid my fingers through the top of his boxers, making sure to tease him a little. 

"You- You don't need to do this if you don't want to." he said between jagged breaths.

I looked up at him and smiled. I loved how considerate he was, even when it comes to sacrificing his own pleasure.

"It's okay, I want to. Just relax, Tom." I replied.

I pulled his boxers down, revealing him to me. He was already rock hard and ready. I still couldn't believe just how large he was. 

"Aw, you're already so excited for me and I've barely touched you yet." I purred, still trying to fuck with him. 

He blushed slightly and swallowed. God, I loved making him nervous. He looked even hotter when I had him bent to my will.

I started to lick his tip lazily, taking my time. Tom groaned at the sudden sensation, tangling his fingers in my hair lightly. I continued to lick all over him, swaying my hips back and fourth in the air to entice him further. 

"Come on.." he whispered, desperate for more of my mouth.

I looked up at him through lidded eyes. "What's the magic word?"

"You can't be serious right now." he breathed.

"Oh, but I am. I want you to ask nicely" I teased.

It didn't take long for me to break him, only a couple licks in his sensitive spot.

"Fine... please. Please give me more" he begged.

I was happy with that, so I took him into my mouth. I went about half way down before slowly bringing my head back up. I didn't know if I'd be able to take the whole thing, it was so huge. Tom groaned, gripping tighter on my hair. His reaction encouraged me, so I started to go at a medium pace. I made sure to swirl my tongue around his tip a few times in between. It wasn't long until Tom was underneath me squirming and whining.

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