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TW!!: Minor violence, panic attack, PTSD

*Tom's POV*

I open my eyes and look up at the ceiling. What time is it? How long was I asleep? 

I tried to move but couldn't, it felt like there was an extra weight on me that's not usually there. I looked down to When did I fall asleep last night? I rubbed my eyes just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I peered down once more and you were still there, fast asleep sprawled across my chest. You looked really pretty like this...peaceful.

"Fuck" I said.

I have no idea what to do. I don't want to wake her but I need to get going to make it to rehearsals on time today. I pulled my phone out of my pocket; It's 6:41. Good, then I have some time. I looked around and found everyone else still asleep. I sighed. I started to maneuever my way out of her grasp. You shifted and I froze. 

"Why do I care if she wakes up or not?" I mumbled, as if saying that out loud was going to change the way I felt.

I managed to slowly detach from her and wake the guys up.

"Bill, get up" I said after kicking him lightly.

"Nooo" he said and turned over. 

I huffed and started to leave, Gustav had already gone back to the room and Georg was buried somewhere under all the blankets with Celine. Didn't know what I'd see if I uncovered them so I just left him there. Definitely not taking any chances. I walked to the door, but something inside of me made me turn to look at you one last time. I got a weird feeling, almost sad that I didn't stay there on the couch with you for a little while longer.

I smacked my palm to my forehead. "What am I thinking?" 

I opened the door and walked out, leaving those feelings behind for the day.

*Your POV*

My day has already started off as shitty as possible. I was woken up being violently shaken by Zoe.

"We're gonna be late!" she exclaimed.

I got up as quickly as my half asleep body would let me and searched for my phone under the mess of pillows & blankets.

"Shit!" I yelled. It was 7:30 and we needed to be there by 8.

Sure, the venue wasn't far from the hotel, but we had stuff to pack and bring along with us. I scrambled to my room to quickly brush my teeth and throw something on. Just a simple tracksuit and my slippers. We'd be doing dress changes today so it didn't matter what I wore. I grabbed my large makeup case and threw in everything I needed.

"Okay clips, pins, hair ties.....hairspray! Where the fuck is my hairspray?!" I chanted to myself.

The entire hotel room was filled with the sounds of rushed women trying to get ready in under 15 minutes, which also sounds like the screams of hell.

I ran out the door and down the hall with the rest of the girls. Our limo was waiting for us and took off right after we got in. When we all finally had a minute to sit down and collect ourselves, the events of last night crept back into my mind. It stung to think about for some reason. The way he wouldn't even look at me after what had happened. Then I woke up and he was gone. I really got my hopes up, it's my fault anyway. I'm probably just another girl on the list for him, a potential one night stand that'll be forgotten by Sunday. The show is tomorrow and that will be the last time I see him until who knows when. 

"Everything okay?" asked Celine. She was talking to me.

"Yeah" I said, "Just a crazy morning."

"Tell me about it" Blake said with a huff.

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