One last night. (NSFW)

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In the midst of our fun Bill got a phone call. We all watched the smile on his face fade away as the person on the phone continued to speak. 

"But... what does that have to do with us?" he said, desperation in his voice.

Eventually he gave up on arguing, hanging up the phone with a defeated 'okay'.

"What's going on?" I asked Bill.

All of us were looking at him, anticipating some bad news. But it was worse than I thought.

"We um... we have to leave tomorrow afternoon." he said with a somber look on his face.

"What? Why?" Celine asked.

"Apparently there was a booking issue with one of the hotels we're staying at. If we don't check in tomorrow we'll lose our room. There aren't any other hotels available to book on such short notice, either." Bill explained.

The room went silent, with only the music we had been playing being audible. 

I looked at Tom, and he was looking at me. I saw pain and sadness in his eyes. He wasn't ready to leave so soon. I wasn't ready for him to go, either. 

"Well, it's already getting late." Georg said, standing up from his seat. "I'm going to go start getting my stuff together now." 

He left as Celine trailed behind him.

"I guess that means we should leave tomorrow too, right?" Blake questioned.

"Yeah, that makes the most sense.." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry guys. Really. This sucks so bad.." Bill apologized.

"It's not your fault. We'll be back next year anyway!" I said, trying to lighten up the mood. 

"I'm gonna go shower." Tom said, starting to walk to our room.

He didn't look at any of us as he spoke. I could tell he was upset. 

I apologetically winced at everyone as I got up to go talk to Tom. By the time I got to our room he was already in the bathroom with the door locked. I guess I should give him some space. I began to pack up my stuff. As I grabbed some of my folded clothes sitting on the bed, I noticed the red gift bag on the floor. The gift. I got an idea.


*Tom's POV*

What a shit birthday. 

Well, that isn't true. Everyone really showed out today, especially her. I still can't believe she got me that guitar I've been wanting. But now the day was ruined. I wasn't ready to go. I wanted to stay here forever, with her. It was already bad enough that we were leaving sometime within the next 3 days. But now we have to go tomorrow? I stepped directly under the shower head, letting the water hit my face. I sighed, trying to calm myself down. I had a million thoughts racing through my mind, and none of them were good. I got out of the shower and changed into some shorts & a t-shirt.

When I got out, I saw your things all packed up. The only thing left was an outfit you had laid out for tomorrow. I pursed my lips, remembering once again that I wouldn't see you for months after this. I looked out onto the balcony and saw you gazing at the sky. You looked beautiful illuminated by the moonlight. You were wearing a black silky robe, smoking a cigarette. I walked out, immediately hit with the night breeze. I watched as your hair blew slightly in the wind before walking up to you.

"Want one?" you asked.

"Sure." I replied, taking a cigarette from you and lighting it.

There was silence. There was so much I wanted to tell you, and not enough time. I took another drag of my cigarette. 

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